Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Results Of

Titus 1:13 “Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith…” ESV

Yesterday the wife says to me, “If you were to go and start a church, you wouldn’t have many people for very long – they wouldn’t listen to that!” Sometimes wives are so inconveniently spot on! I believe in this verse. I mean it’s not my whole theology but I believe in this verse. I believe in the results of this verse: that they may be sound in the faith. That is a worthy result of sharp rebuking.

But many people do not share my belief in this verse. Many are too offended by someone saying to them, “You shouldn’t do that, you should do this…” Many are the people around us who will, after a sharp rebuke, demand, “Who the (bleep) are you!?” That is usually followed by, “(Bleep) you! I’m not gonna listen to this!” Or, “I’m just not getting fed anymore; I’m gonna find a church where I can get fed.”

Any readings of the prophetical writings of the Old Testament will show that Paul’s words to Titus were nothing new because the Old Testament prophets rebuked the people of God sharply because the people of God repeatedly (and carelessly) wandered off into sin and false religion. Somehow that is lost on us today…

I need sharp rebukes because I do some really idiotic things and need to be driven, at times, back into the grace of God. Without the sharp rebukes I wouldn’t think anything was wrong…

Father in Heaven,
If nothing else Lord, sharply rebuke me that I may know how and when to rebuke sharply that hearts and lives may be changed and that there may be soundness of faith in the lives of those You allow me to instruct. But if no one shows up then so be it – may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done – amen.

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