Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Profound Grasp of the Obvious


Ecclesiastes 10:19 19 Bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life, and money answers everything. ESV

At face value this is a very odd statement in Scripture; but in actuality, it’s a profound grasp of the obvious. That’s what I love about the Bible, stating the obvious in such simple terms that, even a caveman could understand it!

A former pastor of mine often wryly observed that ‘one has/had a profound grasp of the obvious!’ In other words, it requires one to have such an overtime- working depth of insight and understanding to see what everyone else just knows! We, his congregation, usually laughed when he made this remark; we were all so wise. So if a profound grasp of the obvious is a P.G.O.; then a profound omission of the obvious must be a P.O.O. (I tend to dwell more often in this realm than the other – dunce-icity is a familiar traveling companion of mine.)

The point is this: if Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived got it, then I must ask, what’s my problem; me to whom is promised the mind of Christ? Solomon closes out the book of Ecclesiastes by saying, ‘Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.’ (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) That is a profound grasp of the truth. Bread, wine, and money may do certain things and we certainly need to understand that; but I cannot forget to keep after my relationship with God because one day I will stand before Him and explain why I either, grasped or omitted the obvious, and why.

Bottom line: Paul, keep it simple and like glue, stick with God always.

Father in Heaven,
Everyday is a profound gift from You to be used to know You and seek You more. Lord, I am to make the best use of my time for You and for the Kingdom because the days around me are evil. Father, lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. Help me to see and to know and to learn so that I may make the best use of the time I have from You, for You. Amen.

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