Thursday, June 3, 2010

The God of


Romans 15:5 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, ESV

The God of endurance, encouragement, hope and peace – what more could we ask for? God is all of these things and more!

Who is your God? Whom do you serve? I serve the God of endurance and I am enabled to keep going; not every day is a burden. I serve the God of encouragement; lovingly urged to do well, seek good and be a blessing. I serve the God of hope – not wishful thinking but the fixed reality that all He has said will ultimately come to pass. I serve the God of peace for my relationship with Him is solid forever for He has said He holds me in the palm of His hand and my enmity toward Him is gone.

I cannot out-give God. I cannot out-love Him. But I can accept that He is wonderful and gracious and loving to me even at my worst; and He keeps encouraging me to stay the course and finish the race until my work is done on this earth. That is my God and I will ever praise Him!

Father in Heaven,
Long were the days when I listened only to what the world said about You. Long were the days when I thought You were hard and mean and stern. But You are to me now the God of endurance and encouragement; the God of hope and peace. For these things are what You’ve always been even when I can’t recognize them. Help me to see You in the light You are and to live in service to You ever encouraged, full of peace and hope – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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