Colossians 2:14 14 …by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. ESV
Today, the Federal Government has amassed such a monetary debt, that unless we change fundamentally as a nation, will stand against us in a way that we will never, ever be able to repay. It is a record-breaking record of debt that leans upon this nation as never before and, unless we change, will crush us and our children and their children until we cease to be one of the greatest nations on earth. And as this nation ceases, so ceases the impact and effectiveness of the American Church as we know it.
To me this massive debt is a picture of the massive debt of which Paul spoke of in his letter to the Colossians; the record of the debt of sin that stands against all of humanity, and its legal demands. It is a debt that all of humanity in all of their efforts, with all of their collective intelligence, wisdom, creativity and ingenuity, can never, ever repay. It must be canceled by the One who holds the note – that One is God. So God in His love and mercy did that for us in the One Jesus Christ – and those who believe that, have their debt canceled.
All I can do is trust God to help me in these days and thank Him every time I can for His canceling my debt, the debt of sin I’d amassed against Him. He canceled my debt by nailing it to a cross long before I ever existed. And what stood against me, with all of its weight, misery and legal penalty, is gone in Christ and as a result, I am eternally free.
Lord God,
You have, in Him – in Christ – canceled the debt that was against me and freed me from its legal demands now and forever. In light of that, may I walk in that freedom and live in a way that reflects my understanding and appreciation of that freedom. Lord, I ask for help with my other debts, the ones that I’ve created and I trust that You will provide a way – in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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