Monday, November 30, 2009

Long Before Long After


Romans 4:10 10 How then was it credited? While he was circumcised, or uncircumcised? Not while circumcised, but while uncircumcised; New American Standard Bible

Abraham, the man of faith, the father of all who believe, received his standing before God long before there was The Law. The Law said one had to be circumcised in order to be acceptable to God but that was written long after Abraham lived. So how did Abraham win God’s approval? He was approved before he was circumcised. What set Abraham apart was not circumcision but belief.

Paul’s masterful argument shows the holey-ness of man’s belief systems that require that we all have to do something in order to impress God and earn His acceptance. To the Jews that something was circumcision. To the modern person it may be wealth, education, race, heritage, community service, or whatever. But in the Kingdom of God it is only belief (or faith) in God that scores any points for anyone.

Faith doesn’t require works although from faith works spring. God expects His law of love, written on the heart of the believer, to make a difference in how that person behaves and their behavior is primarily for the purpose of displaying love for God and love for others. Love is active in that it does tangible goodness to others that they may see it, believe it, and learn to love as well; but it all springs from belief in God and His promises – and belief in that principle is what set Abraham (and everyone else who believes) apart.

So I believe. I believe and I learn to give over all of my fears of how I am treated and what others may think of me to God so that God may have the place of preeminence in my life so that others may also believe. I don’t have to keep any rule or meet any requirement to do that…

Father in Heaven,
It is belief that pleases You. The ones who are right are the ones who believe. If there is anything I can do it’s this: believe and obey and trust that You are completely in control and nothing in my life is random and all things point me toward You. Help me to live with Abraham’s unwavering faith; thank You for planting that seed in my heart – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Love of the Truth


2 Thessalonians 2:10 10 "...and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved." New American Standard Bible

With the tide of madness and evil that floods our world there is one escape: the love of the truth, as presented in the Bible. It is the truth of God that makes one free (John 8.32) and the response to that freedom ought to be the love of the truth.

A wise person once said, “To forsake belief in the Almighty is not to believe in nothing, but to believe in anything.” Those around us who believe the most preposterous things are those who do not love the truth – their motto: A.B.T., Anything But Truth.

The love of the truth is sent by God to every person on the face of the earth in a manner in which they could receive, if they could believe. But like baseball infielders who are taught to catch rocketing ground-balls, not everyone catches what is thrown at them. Not everyone receives the truth they encounter and sadly for those who reject it, the only other option is the easy pop-up of deception cleverly disguised as man’s reasoning.

To love the truth is to know the truth, and to keep the truth. The other part of that love is to compare the truth with everything else that is offered. To deny the truth is to proclaim it too hard (cf. Matthew 25.24ff) and go after the ease of deception and be satisfied with that.

To love the truth is to know the truth, to read the truth, and to live the truth in order to embrace the truth no matter how unpopular it may be to my fellow man. GK Chesterton: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried." I was born and am born again to try the truth because of the love of the truth.

Father in heaven,
You have called me to truth not just to know it but to learn it, love it, and live it. With the madness and deception of the world, that ought to be a no-brainer. And yet I so struggle. Help me according to the promises of the Thessalonian letters I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Others Think


1 Thessalonians 2:6 6 “…nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority.” New American Standard Bible

Many people see the value in being valued and while it is nice to be valued, value is not to be a currency to be sought by God’s people – it isn’t always worth all that much. Paul said that he and his companions did not seek glory from men because only to be thought well of by men as a goal is a very substandard goal in the Kingdom. (BTW, I always capitalize the word Kingdom when referring to the Kingdom of God.)

The gospel is not about glory from men; not their approval or their applause. The glory of the gospel is the approval of God in the salvation of souls in response to the message He gives. The messengers are just the messengers; and they are just messengers. God is the Author of salvation and He is worthy of all the praise and all the glory. We will do well to remember that – anything else demeans the truth…

Sharing my devotional thoughts can easily become about seeking approval – for me, sometimes it does. Sorry, it’s the truth; sometimes I am that shallow. But my motivation mostly is to get YOU (whoever you are) to read and think and maybe talk about God, salvation, and the truth with someone else – and maybe this is a way to get the pump primed. It is also a way for me to express what I see and to take whatever that happens to be into my heart and make it real by striving to live it in a manner as Paul said, worthy of the God who calls us. Whatever the case, I must not seek glory from anyone or anything, for that robs the meaning and retards the Message – that is something I think Paul the Apostle would have abhorred.

Father in Heaven,
It is all about You and Your truth and Your words and Your Kingdom; may I never ever forget that. I pray that these words, meager and faulty, would be of benefit to someone this day and that in response You would receive all the glory and all the praise – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Watching and Praying


Matthew 26:41 41 “Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” New American Standard Bible

Jesus had told His men to stay at the task of watching and praying. They may have thought He meant keep watch as if to somehow guard against what was coming. But what was coming? What were all these words about handed over, mistreated, and crucified? Temptation; Jesus what are You talking about!? They were so frustrated and confused.

I don’t think Jesus meant to keep watch in the physical – I think He meant keep watch spiritually. I think He was trying to get them to see a different dimension of what was going on. But like men, weak and frail, they nodded off to sleep.

What’s going on in your life? What trials are you facing that require watching and praying? Whatever it is, whatever the outcome, it is for good and the result is intended for deeper faith and stronger conviction. But it requires watching and praying.

I have fallen asleep many times with my eyes wide open. I have prayed only to have my mind wander off and my thoughts become futile. But after reading this passage today, I see that I am to pray – not pleading with God about the pain or that the circumstances will cease, but that His will be done in my life for greater faith, greater effectiveness and/or greater obedience.

Father in Heaven,
There are many things in life that frustrate and confuse me because they are beyond my control. I cannot pray for those other than to repeatedly hand them over to You and trust Your for the results. I am to pray and I am to keep watch. I am to keep watch by communing with You and remembering that all things in my life are under Your complete control and that You use every circumstance to help me to grow in grace and faith. Prayer is hard work but may I approach it with the assurance that You are with me and will cause all things in my life to work together for my good as I trust You and talk them over with You. Thank You, amen.

Thursday, November 26, 2009



Matthew 25:13 13 “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.” New American Standard Bible

Today, I am thankful for the demands of the New Testament. I know that may sound a bit harsh because we people-types don’t necessarily like demands; we’d rather pleasant requests wrapped up in pretty paper with potpourri – and the options of doing or not doing. Demands are not optional; demands have both the potential of great reward and dire consequence. A thoughtful read through Matthew 23-25 gives me a clear picture of the demands given me as a believer.

Today, I am thinking about a good meal and time off with my wife and present kids. Today, I am thinking about extended family. Today, I am thinking about work tomorrow. Today, I am reminded to be on the alert. Today, I am thinking about the hypocrisy of religion. Today, I am thinking about my true motives and how I may best serve the King of Kings. Today, I am thinking about the demands of the Scripture reminding me that Jesus could come back even today – Thanksgiving Day – and would I be about His business or my own?

It’s unthinkable for me to operate my car without thinking about and keeping an eye on the road. I am reminded once again today that I cannot live the Christian life without keeping an eye on my life; how I live here on earth, and what report I’ll bring to my face-to-face meeting with Jesus who says, “Be on the alert then”

Father in Heaven,
For You, for life, for salvation, for Christ, I am thankful this day. I am also thankful that there is a life to live and I’m to live it (as a child of the King) up to the standard You have established. Help me to live as You demand and to look forward to life eternal hearing You say, “Well done faithful servant! Come and enter the inheritance prepared for you!” In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Matthew 21:43 43 “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it." New American Standard Bible

In several instances through the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus makes comparisons about the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 20.1 Jesus says, “For the kingdom of heaven is like...” and then He shares a parable about the Kingdom so that His hearers will think about what He says and maybe understand His words. As the conversation winds through chapter 21 Jesus then shares the parable about the vineyard and says, “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it.” What caught my eye was the phrase, “… producing the fruit of it.”

The inheritors of the Kingdom of God are like Homesteaders. The Kingdom of God is for producers who see the potential of the harvest of the Kingdom and its subsequent rewards.

I am learning how to be a Homesteader. I am learning what it takes to live according to Kingdom customs and produce Kingdom fruit. God has given me territory and expects me to be productive with it. That means living out the life He’s called me to live. I will never convert anyone – that is God’s realm; but I will live out the Life He’s given me in front of the unconverted that they may see what it's like to be a homesteader in the Kingdom of God. There is only one way to do it – that is, in complete and unflinching submission to the King of the Kingdom…

Father in Heaven,
You are the King. I am Your homesteader. Help me to be one who produces the fruit of the Kingdom and lives out this life in step with the Holy Spirit; and in full submission to Your rule. Thank You for the vineyard; in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More Money More Faith


Mt 19:24 24 “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” New American Standard Bible

Many times in the last year I have opined that I wish I had more money. I do have a job but I’d like to have more money. If I did, (I reason to myself) I’d pay off some bills and live more financially responsible. I’d change if only I had more money.

But the fact of the matter is I am where I am now largely because I did have more money. I have a bad performance record with money and the responsibility that comes along with it. In this season of my life I am slowly coming around to my need for more faith and the responsibility that comes along with it. Money hasn’t given me everything I need – only faith can do that – and money cannot buy faith.

In the midst of an affluent and extraordinarily materialistic society two of the greatest gifts a person can have are godly wisdom coupled with self-control; these are only available to the one who believes in, trust in, and obeys God. The rich young ruler in Matthew 19 couldn’t do it by depending on his wealth; and I confess – humiliated and ashamed – neither can I.

Father in Heaven,
Your servant Peter tells me in his second epistle that You have, “…granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness…” through the true knowledge of You and by Your calling us by Your own glory and excellence. I want to be excellent in the things of life and especially in how I approach money and possessions. Jesus said, “If you hand causes you to stumble – cut it off!” O God, give me wisdom, courage, and self control toward money and possessions – I pray in His Name, amen.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Learn From Me


Matthew 11:29 29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." New American Standard Bible

Yesterday we considered the act of going and learning – in other words, look at what is already established and take the time to think about it carefully and apply the lessons accordingly. So, we are to go and learn. Today, two chapters later Jesus tells us, learn from Me.

The study of the Lord is a noble task but the emulation of the Lord is greater. It is one thing for me to learn about Jesus – it is another thing altogether to do what He does.

To learn from Jesus is to do as He did and take the yoke of His lifestyle upon me. His lifestyle was that of complete surrender to God and unflinching obedience to His commands. And Jesus labeled Himself, gentle and humble. How great are the gifts and ways of gentleness and humility. How lacking they are in this society and how needed they are among men.

Father in Heaven,
I don’t want to learn about Jesus, I want to do as He did. I want to be free from harshness and arrogance and be humble and gentle toward and around people. I know You know that is the desire of my heart and from what I read, You say that You give us our desires. Thanks in advance for what You are doing, have already done and will do to help me to be like the Savior - in His Name, amen.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Go and Learn


Matthew 9:13 13 “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire compassion, and not sacrifice,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” New American Standard Bible

Jesus came proclaiming the Kingdom of God – a Kingdom that is very unlike the kings and kingdoms of men. God’s Kingdom is a Kingdom of truth and righteousness beautifully wrapped up in selfless love. Men have not because they can not. So, to the religious of His day Jesus said, “Go and learn what this means…” In other words, stop looking at what you look at from an earthly perspective and think about it from a heavenly perspective – then go and practice it! Jesus came to change minds and hearts and the way we do that is to go and learn

Men have not because they will not – but it really doesn’t mean they can not. They can not because they will not. When the Lord tells us to go and learn what this means, He means what He says – go and learn; take the time, put some effort into learning about the Kingdom of God so that you can understand what He is up to in the world. That requires submission to the command and then commitment to diligence to do as instructed.

My life’s desire and mission is to not make sense of this world but to go and learn. I want to learn more and more about God and to submit more and more to His wisdom and authority. And love. Each day as I read and study His word and think about what He has said, I go and learn – at least that is my intention. Sometimes my learning is stunted because I try to force Him into my mold – but He is always patient and kind, and teaches those who go and learn…

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for the command to go and learn and then to live out the lessons You teach. To learn is not to cram more facts into my puny brain, but to apply the wisdom and truth You give, from my heart. Help me this day to learn, love, and live, according to the perspective of Heaven, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Helpful and Holy


Matthew 5:2 2 ‘He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying…’ New American Standard Bible

The word, beatitude is not found in the Bible, that is, in the original writings. We men have put the word into Scripture to describe the first section of the Sermon on the Mount, starting in Matthew 5. (The words, Sermon on the Mount are not found in the original writings either. Again, descriptive terms added later.)

But what is found are the words teach, teaching, and taught and teachings because that is what Jesus did, He taught. And Jesus’ life-lessons were about the Kingdom of Heaven and not the ways of men. Jesus taught about God and the right way to approach God; through relationship and righteousness and not by keeping the rules. Jesus taught what He knew not what He knew about…

And most of what Jesus taught came down to a word we often use – or abuse – the word, attitude. Attitude is more the leanings of our heart and our thoughts and feelings toward something or someone. And so Jesus’ teachings were intended for us to have the proper attitude toward God and men, and even ourselves. A good attitude goes a long way in making the mechanics of this present life run a lot more smoothly.

Beatitude speaks to me of being not doing. I’m gonna beatitude my job today because it is the one that God has given me; and if He’s the One who gives it to me then it’s the best job I can have because it will help me the most in my attitude. Just doing my job comes across to me as mostly mindless and mechanical. Having a good attitude at work comes across as happy, helpful and in my case because of my attitude toward the Lord, holy.

Father in Heaven,
Your word is a lamp shining brightly to show me where to walk so that I know what is right and safe, and beneficial. Father thank You that You are aware of the thoughts and feelings I have and the way that I approach them. Lord, help me to have a good attitude about all You are for me and help me to beatitude in response out of a heart of gratitude.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Zebulun Naphtali Gentiles


Matthew 4:15 15 “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,
By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles—
New American Standard Bible

Makes you wonder why it wasn’t, “…land of Judah, place of power, downtown Jerusalem…” Makes you wonder why any prophecy regarding the Messiah included the world Gentiles. What was God up to?

It is somehow totally frightening and altogether comforting that God is able to know it all down to the very last detail, and He didn’t need (and doesn’t need now) a spreadsheet to keep track of it all to keep it in order, on pace, or on track. And He told them(His people) in their precious religious records that it all would take place, hundreds of years before it ever actually happened. But they didn’t get it.

If God were to have prophecied over my life and told me I was going to be in Baker City, Oregon despite how I was raised and what I was taught, I would’ve laughed in His face. But sitting here in Baker now, I am reminded that God does what God does down to the very last detail; and He has placed me strategically, exactly, where He wants me to be (See Acts 17.26) and has ordained so since before the world was formed. Including the people with whom I rub shoulders in this community at work, at play and in church.

So I am comforted and encouraged to face one more day knowing that the prophecies about Jesus sometimes included verbiage that made it hard for humans to follow let alone swallow, but it is all because God, strategically, purposefully, and intentionally does what He does to you, to me and to everyone in the world; He does it in love, and for the greater purpose of relationship with all of us.

Father in Heaven,
You do what You do but it doesn’t always make sense to us and more often than not includes people and places that we’re not the most comfortable with. I am humbled that the prophecy includes forgotten names like Zebulun, Naphtali, and Galilee of the Gentiles. It might also include Baker City – for me it does. I will worship You and serve You with renewed purpose this day as You use it for my growth and maturing in the Kingdom. Help me to learn today, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

All This Time


2 Corinthians 12:19 19 All this time you have been thinking that we are defending ourselves to you. Actually, it is in the sight of God that we have been speaking in Christ; and all for your upbuilding, beloved. New American Standard Bible

All this time they got the wrong idea or came to the wrong conclusions. The church in Corinth described in the Bible is a perfect picture of the church today and of one of the titanic struggles that takes place in many, many churches around the globe – the human struggle for power.

Power is such a strong intoxicant we all crave it. Yes, I do mean all; it is a universal fruit of sin. We want the power to control our destiny. We listen to God (or whoever); get just enough information to make us dangerous and leap into the fray (bloody and brutal) to see who comes out on top. Top dog is where we truly want to be. As I read the Corinthian letters again this season, I see the struggle for power and it-is-ugly!

That’s why Paul made the statement he made, “All this time you have been thinking that we are defending ourselves to you.” He wasn’t defending himself to anyone – he was speaking in Christ and they couldn’t hear (understand) because they were too bothered about looking stupid to the power mongers rather than submitting in Christ. Yes, it is an ugly game and it happens all over, all-the-time.

And I am guilty as sin of committing the same ugly acts: Who is this guy!!? Where’d he come up with this stuff!? Well I’m not going to listen to that!!! I am called to submit and leave the results up to God. That means intentionally placing me in a position of vulnerability out of obedience to Christ rather than protecting my position by grabbing for more power. It’s really difficult, but that is what I get from this study today. My normal inclinations are something I must learn to unlearn.

Father in Heaven,
You could’ve had anyone go to Corinth and plant a church. No sweat. But You sent Paul and it appears that at least some there loved to hate him because they felt their power was threatened. God, I am humbled this day because of the memories of all the times I have done the same thing. Help me to kill the dragon of power and embrace the Spirit of Humility and Submission – I cry out in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Knowing My Limitations


2 Corinthians 10:13 13 But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you. New American Standard Bible

Paul knew his limitations and limits; the Corinthians did not. Knowing one’s limits means knowing one’s God and knowing what God has apportioned. God apportions all of His children and each of us is to be about the apportionment that God gives us. So where are you? God apportioned you there. What church are you a part of? God apportioned you there? Where do you work or go to school? God apportioned you there or there.

What gifts do you have? God apportioned those to you. Who are your neighbors? God apportioned that you live near them. What are your limits? Where do you draw the line and say, God stops me here?

Paul preached the gospel wherever he went but that never got in the way of his care for the churches. Paul was an evangelist but he never forgot he was a shepherd of the churches he planted. Paul knew his limits and limitations and was trying to teach the Corinthians to know the same for themselves.

There is only so much I can do and it appears in this stage of the journey that I am more limited than I used to be. But! That doesn’t let me off the hook for obedience or faithfulness. God expects them both from me. So I look at my apportionment today with encouraged and refreshed eyes that where I am, I am to be; and I am to be faithful and obedient right here – knowing my limitations.

Father in Heaven,
You’ve called me to be holy and to be wholly effective. Help me this day to bloom and grow where I am planted and to be effective right here where I am with what I have – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Light of the Gospel


2 Corinthians 4:4 4“…in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” New American Standard Bible

This issue here is not just light, but the right light. On a brilliant sunny day in summer there is plenty of light to play baseball but it makes it hard to catch a fly-ball when you have to look up toward the sun to do it. One light dominates the other.

Blindness to the Gospel certainly is rooted in the darkness of the soul but is masked by the brilliance of earthly things: possessions, position, and performance; what one has, who one is, and how one does. Blindness to the Gospel is the buying into the lie that says whatever is here and now is of greater worth and meaning that whatever might be there and then. And sometimes what is here and now looks and feels pretty good…

The temptation for me is to look at my circumstances and pine away that my life would be better if only __________. (Fill in the blank.) That temptation usually shows up most vivid when I bump into financial or relational difficulties and don’t turn to God for the resolution. The resolution is faith and proclaiming the promises of God to myself over and over; forcing my soul to give up the blinders promising that my help will come from some other source other than the Lord. The Corinthians battled this – I battle this; and I think a lot of others do as well. Faith sometimes has to tell reason, “Sit and be quiet! God has promised!”

Father in Heaven,
To see Your light I must immovably believe in Your truth and the promises You have made. The world cannot reason through that – it smacks against human pride. Help me this day to avoid the temptation to look elsewhere for some other help rather than to stand in faith and trust in You, and what You’ve said. May I make my way this day by the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ. In His glorious Name I pray, amen.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

As the Lord Told Them


Job 42:9 9 So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went and did as the Lord told them; and the Lord accepted Job. New American Standard Bible

The people in Job’s story are not evangelicals; they’re not even Christians. They have no knowledge of Jesus, they have no knowledge of the Church and they seem to have no knowledge of the Jews. What they do have is knowledge of God. And just like today’s times, some are on and some are off…

Interestingly, Job is well known to God and is the recipient of God’s favor and blessing. Job is accepted by God and is a man of faith. What really blows me away is that God spoke to Job’s three friends and rebuked them for the idiotic notions they believed. What really flips my switches is that they heard God and obeyed! And God gave them a way out of His wrath…

I will remember that God is speaking to those around me and I will remember that He is offering them a way of escape because He is a God “…who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth...” (1 Tim 2:4 NASB); even those who say stupid things and leap to stupid conclusions.

And Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar were obedient – they accepted the word of the Lord and they obeyed… smart move. I too will obey (or at least try to) – even when it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable – that can’t be nothin’ compared to God’s wrath…

Father in Heaven,
You offered Job’s friends a way of escape because You loved them even though they slandered You. Father, there are many around me today who are doing the same and You are offering them a way of escape as well. Help me to pray for them and to remember the grace You extend not just to Your people, but to Your enemies – for You are a loving, compassionate, and forgiving God. Amen.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pep Talk


1 Corinthians 15:58 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. New American Standard Bible

Personally, I would recommend reading 1 Corinthians 15 at least more than twice a year (that being according to the Bible Reading Plan I use). I would recommend reading this chapter of the Bible every time you feel down, threatened, frustrated, fearful, or disappointed. I would recommend reading this chapter carefully, thoughtfully and slowly; meditating on every phrase and the fact that it was written to people who had gotten off the tracks.

This chapter is one of the best pep-talks in the whole of Scripture. And even we believers need regular and powerful pep-talks. We need to be reminded of why we believe what we believe; and we believe a huge truth that God has made a way for us to be freed from death (never-ending separation) through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, so that we may live with Him forever! Everything in our world is opposed to that, and sometimes we get off-track.

I first learned (and memorized) 1 Corinthians 15.58 when I finally subjected my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in 1983; I realized today that it means a whole lot more than it already does when it is read as a summation of the rest of 1 Corinthians 15. It is a massive, encouraging truth and I will live remembering that no matter what the world throws at you and me, we are to be, “…steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that [our] toil is [never ever, ever] in vain in the Lord.

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for Your love and goodness and God, thank You for Your favor for all Your children. I admit I get tired and crabby and sometimes lose sight of the mission; but thank You for the loving reminder today, and may I use it to encourage my fellow-believers in this truth: our faith in Christ is never ever, ever in vain – in His Name I pray, amen.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Man Up


Job 40.7a 7“Now gird up your loins like a man; NASB

What does that mean, “like a man”? I’ve heard that all my life and I’m not sure I really know what’s being asked of me when someone demands, 'Be a man!' I figure somebody must be doing it because everybody is demanding it – but most of life I just haven’t known who the real man example is so that I may follow him and be like a man. I mean if Job wasn’t, who is?

Being a man isn't being physically superior; nor is being a man being superior intellect . Being a man isn’t being looks, wealth or skill or talent – being a man is acknowledging God and submission to Him – there's no greater measure of a man than the one who does that. Being a man means rightly and humbly relating to God; allowing Him to call all the shots.

Apparently Job was acting other than a man. He questioned God and talked smack about God as if God was somewhere else in the U not listening. Most of the men I know do that; they talk about God and act as if He is anywhere but on the throne of their heart. Friend, I challenge you, listen to the things men say and you’ll quickly see who is and who isn’t a man according to what comes out of their mouth; because what comes out of there comes from their heart; and if God is in their heart, they talk differently; they talk and behave as if He is.

I am learning to gird up my loins like a man. To me that has to mean summoning the courage to stand before God and acknowledge His sovereign lordship over my entire life – every part, all the time. I must speak as a man and act as a man and I can only do that as I acknowledge the presence of God within me and submit to His authority over me. Talent, looks, money, physicality need not apply – they aren’t the true measure of a man. Only the submitted may man up. Only those who acknowledge and accept God on HIS TERMS may man up.

Father in Heaven,
You created man as the pinnacle of Your creation and though for a time he is a little lower that the angels, You have proclaimed he will reign over Your creation as a full-fledged partner in Your Kingdom – something You haven’t promised to angels. So I am to man up and learn from You and stop being a rebel and a whiner and a coward and a liar. I am to listen to You and learn from You and submit to Your wisdom and righteousness. I am incapable of saving myself. Lord help me this day to walk as He walked and to honor You in all I do – I pray in His Name, amen.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wait For One Another


1 Corinthians 11:33 33 So then, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another. New American Standard Bible

Paul’s letter(s) to the Corinthians could be letters written to most churches today. The very things he warned them of are the issues that pop up all over in the modern church. But as I read this morning and thought about all that may be out of adjustment in the modern church, I saw what appears to be a way to correct most of it without much effort: wait for one another.

There is so much emotion, heart, spirit, and consideration encapsulated in those words – wait for one another. We can wait for the slow to catch up. We can wait for the fast to slow down. We can wait while there are those grieving, hurting, recovering. We can wait for truth to prevail and righteousness to shine. We can wait in the church, in the home and in personal relationships. We can wait for the stressed to calm down and wait for the sinner to come to his senses. And by waiting we can cut each other some slack. If slack is to found anywhere it ought to be found in the church.

I am called up a bit short by Paul’s words today and I am reminded of the people I know that I am to wait for – loved ones, friends, and co-workers; neighbors and fellow citizens. I honor Christ by waiting for others. I exalt the Lord by waiting before I criticize or judge, or lose my patience and complain. I am to learn to leave the results to Him and let Him work in the lives of all of those people. So today, it’s off to school I go to learn, in Christ with Christ in me, to wait for one another…

Father in Heaven,
It’s not the difficult parts of Your word that I so struggle with, it’s the easy ones. May I find grace today to wait for others and to treat them with the courtesy and kindness of Christ. May I learn to be an example of love and grace and waiting while You accomplish Your purposes in them. Help me to be a overflowing fountain of Your mercy, and not just a leaky faucet – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Matters


1 Corinthians 7:19b "...but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God." New American Standard Bible

If God says to do something, it is wise to do it. If God says to cease from doing something, it is wise to cease. With all of the trappings of society around us – power, prestige, positions, possessions and performance – what really counts is obeying God; what really matters is where our heart is… at the end of it all, what matters, says Paul, is the keeping of the commandments of God.

Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Mt 11:29-30 NASB) What really matters is the keeping of the commandments of God and Jesus said it ain’t that tough.

So today, I’m going to go in the direction of God and seek to follow Him wherever and however He leads. What matters in my life today is the keeping of the commandments of God and taking the yoke (or the ways of Jesus) upon me and learning from Him. So to Him I offer my best and let His mercy and grace take care of the rest…

Father in Heaven,
What really matters in life is knowing You and walking in the light of Your ways. Help me this day to represent the Kingdom well and to reflect the light and the love You have placed within me. All that really matters today is walking according to Your commands and I seek Your grace to do just that – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, November 9, 2009

An Example Worth Following


1 Co 4:16-17 16 Therefore I exhort you, be imitators of me. 17 For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, who is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, and he will remind you of my ways which are in Christ, just as I teach everywhere in every church. New American Standard Bible

Unruly. That’s the word that comes to my mind when I consider the Corinthian church. It seems they were like modern churches with everyone doing their own thing. They were factious, not focused; they were fractured, fragile, frail, and faulty. So Paul says to them, “Be imitators of me; follow my lead and do as I do! And for the very reason that you’re so unruly I’ve sent Timothy to help you get your act together!

Why are churches so divisive? Why are churches so unruly? Perhaps it’s because they are made up of people – broken and fallen – and there is much to learn about the Kingdom of God and much to unlearn of the ways of earth. To do that requires an example worth following; someone who is right with God to say, " imitators of me."

I don’t think I am bold enough to say, “be imitators of me.” Following me might make you feel as if you were following a drunken drunk down the sidewalk – weaving from side to side and starting and stopping erratically. But you know, my calling is to be an example worth following (oh, and yours too if you claim Christ.) It’s a high and necessary standard, and one of which the church in every age has been in short supply.

Father in Heaven,
You call us to follow You and to share You with others – others who are broken and fallen. I pray to be an example that others can follow because in reality, right, wrong or otherwise I am an example to follow. I just pray to be a good one and one that brings honor and glory to Your Kingdom. Set me apart and use me toward that end I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Foolish and Wise


1 Corinthians 3:18 18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you thinks that he is wise in this age, he must become foolish, so that he may become wise. New American Standard Bible

Paul used human terms to describe heavenly things. The foolishness he spoke of is not really foolishness but is called so by those who reject it. Humans cannot accept the humiliation of the Gospel even though by doing so they achieve the zenith of God’s intention for them and the reward of eternal life (something else they do no accept…); it’s the smartest thing any stupid person could ever do!

It’s all because mankind (generally) cannot, and will not accept the things of God – especially according to human wisdom which is foolishness to God.

But Paul was not writing to mankind generally, he was writing to specifically to believers to help them understand the magnitude of what they were involved in; and Paul warns them that they would be deemed foolish because of what they believed. The bottom line is this: to be thought of as a fool by those of the earth is of way less consequence than to be thought of as a fool by God.

I will be a fool for God because He reveals true wisdom to His kids and according to what I read, God’s foolishness is way wiser than man’s and in His foolishness is the power to save sinners like you and me; I’m gonna stick with that!

Father in Heaven,
Your foolishness is really wisdom for You do nothing foolish even though Your creatures think it so. Help me to preach the wisdom of God to those who will listen and to see them accept what is called foolishness on earth so that they may be called wise in heaven – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Through Love


Galatians 5:6 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. New American Standard Bible

The whole argument of the letter to the Galatians encompasses the issue of law and grace. It appears that Paul is reminding the Galatian believers that belief in God is not based on performance (i.e. keeping the law) but according to God’s promises that those who believe (or trust in Him) do so as a result of God’s divine favor; thus entering into relationship with God through love and not rules.

That concept was too hard for some Jews to accept; they had been too deeply immersed in their traditions and could not accept relationship with God apart from keeping one rule: circumcision. Paul countered that even if relationship with God hinged on keeping one rule, the obligation then was to keep all the rules – and that was simply not acceptable to the concept of faith by grace (See Ephesians 2.8ff) That’s why Paul could say “…neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.” In Christ it is all about God’s love which causes us to love others and thereby treat them accordingly. To love means to possess the divine ability to treat others the way God has treated us; period. Love is other-centered; rule-keeping is self-centered.

The rub comes when someone says you have to have rules (or laws) to know what is right and wrong. The answer to that is, one needs to walk by the Spirit in love to do what is pleasing to God (Gal. 5.16).

I am a law-breaker and a rule-bender. That’s just who I am. But Jesus came to set me free from that futile way of living and invites me to live in true relationship with Him and He is wise enough to guide me through life and teach me to live and to love as He does – law-free and other-centered.

Father in Heaven,
You never intended rules; You only ever intended love. May I learn to live as You live and to love as You love. May I know that the safe-guard for living is loving and as long as I maintain that I will be safe and effective in carrying out Your intentions for me. Father, help me to be super-sensitive when I wander off into lovelessness and set up rules to try to impose on others. True life is faith working through love and that is what I seek in Christ – May Your will be accomplished in me through Him, amen.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

In Me


Galatians 1:15-16a 15 "But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, was pleased 16 to reveal His Son in me..." New American Standard Bible

WARNING! MASSIVE STATEMENT ALERT! Paul does it again; he blows me away with his words and understanding. Having read Galatians more than a few times it never occurred to me that Paul identifies himself this way: called from birth; and, Jesus Christ revealed in him! I’m sorry folks, we’ll get to our destination in due time, but first we got to back up the bus.

Paul was called from birth. So am I and so is every person who believes because of a thing called the foreknowledge of God. Of course Paul was called from birth, he wasn’t called when he was saved because God’s intention all along was for this man to be a part of His Kingdom and serve Him there.

And then the biggie: “But when God…was pleased to reveal His Son in me…” Not ‘to me’ but ‘in me’. Wow! This is big! Paul was trying so hard to do what he thought religion had called him to do that he overlooked God IN HIM. So often we are trying to introduce Jesus to people when really we need to introduce Jesus in people. I’m telling ya, there's no way a sinner can ever identify his sin or his destitute condition and come to repentance without the presence of Christ within – it just ain’t gonna happen. And God does it in grace and pleasure! Wow!

So, Paul Turk, bring it all home, baby. All-rigthty then, here is what I think now: I have been called from birth to serve the living God and it is because from that moment, God placed Jesus in me and I ignored it for years – but not anymore. If anyone is going to give me meaning and purpose in life it’s Jesus and I am going to see myself every day as Paul saw himself: in Christ with Christ within. My identity is (and has always been) in Him. So no more wasting time…

Father in Heaven,
You were pleased in Your grace to reveal Jesus Christ in me because however You do it, You did it. Here is my confession and identity: I am not freewheeling out here on my own but I am a servant of Yours in Him because You put Him in me. Father, help me to see that truth every day in every way; and may my life’s purpose be accomplished in Him! I pray in His Name, amen.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And Peter


Mark 16.7a 7a “But go, tell His disciples and Peter…” (NASB)

The crucifixion and resurrection have taken place and some of the women who followed Jesus go to the tomb to embalm Christ’s body. When they get there, an angel reports to them that Jesus is no longer there and gives them instructions to go tell His disciples and Peter what has happened. Notice that Peter is mentioned separately; Peter, I’m gathering is off by himself somewhere beating himself to death over his last recorded act before the crucifixion: pathetic personal and public denial of what and in Who he believed.

What do we do when we’re caught in a sin? Often (I think…I know I do), we try to hide and I think that’s what Peter was doing and why he’s mentioned separately, “…His disciples and Peter…” Peter was struggling enormously with what had happened and what he thought he believed; and now it was all messed up like a bunch of eggs that had been dropped to the ground – goo, shells, and yoke.

Indeed, sin is a separator but that is never God’s intention for us – sin or separation. We must cling to God in our fallenness and cling to one another as well. Paul teaches we must bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6.2) and “…forgive and comfort [the sinner], otherwise such a one might be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.” (2 Cor. 2.7 NASB) But nowhere in the Bible are we taught to run off and hide when we sin. (That just might explain some absences from church and home group though…)

I’m to not sin; but when I do, I’m to deal with it and deal with it openly in the company of the saints, not in hiding. We need each other more than we know and we really need each other when we’ve pooped our pants and need cleansing and restoration – but that requires extreme courage, vulnerability, and great, great patience and love only supplied by Jesus Christ to collectively overcome an individual’s fault.

Father in Heaven,
You always intend for us to walk in holiness, righteousness, and compassionate, understanding forgiveness. That doesn’t erase consequences but it does leave the door wide open for cleansing and restoration. Help me to be one who loves my brother in spite of his sins and may I be loved in spite of mine that we both may bring glory to Your name by how we treat each other in times of great mess and distress – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Final Say


Mark 13:30 30 “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. New American Standard Bible

Whatever we think about the current state of affairs in our world, God has the last word. Whoever we think might be in control of men or nations or whatever, God has the final say. There are many who think the end is upon us and Jesus said, “…this generation (or my Bible note says, ‘race’) will not pass away until all these things take place. It may get ugly and brutal but it doesn’t end until God says it ends and it doesn't appear to have ended yet...

I am to remain awake, alert and not allow myself to be deceived. That’s what I’m supposed to do. I don’t know any other way to do that than to read and apply God’s word and to go about doing the things God tells me to do. And I am to trust God that no matter how weird things get or appear to get, He’s the final say.

I will serve the Lord and not flinch at the announcements on the evening news. I will serve the Lord and seek to tell others about Him. I will serve the Lord and worship at His throne. My destiny is heaven and eternal life and I will live accordingly because no matter what happens to me – He has the final say.

Father in Heaven,
You hold all of who I am and what I have in the palm of Your hand and I will not fear. Yes the end is coming but You say when. Until then may I be about the business of testifying to the truth and helping others see You for who You are. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Putting a Face On


Mark 12:33 33 “…and to love Him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as himself, is much more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.” New American Standard Bible

Really rotten religion turns into real relationship when we put a face on it – the Bible says so right here in Mark 12. Too often we want to be right and tight with God while wanting to put distance in between us and the people who so irritate and annoy us with the stupid things they say and do. (Funny, they’re doing the same thing to us; we just don’t know it because all of us hide behind the “I’m right and tight with God” façade so well…) Love may be a many splendored thing, but it’s also messy, difficult, and makes us extremely vulnerable to deep pain and dreadful disappointment.

I admit it, I’d like to ignore people sometimes but God calls me on it right here in Mark 12. I am to love as He loves and accept as He accepts. I’m to cherish as He cherishes because to score points with God is to keep His commandments and He commands me to love my neighbor as myself and to turn dead religion into loving relationships by doing just that.

Father in Heaven,
You command, I obey. None of us are perfect and none of us is any more than desperately sick and deeply flawed. So I ask for the grace to give my religion a face and to love others as You love them. May I learn in Christ to be brave and resolute in following Your every command, and to do what really pleases You despite the difficulty and distastefulness of it – I pray in His Name, amen.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Orders from Headquarters


Mark 9:9 9 As they were coming down from the mountain, He gave them orders not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man rose from the dead. New American Standard Bible

Over and over in the Gospels Jesus warns, orders, instructs and tells people not to tell what He did, who He was, or relate their personal experience with Him to others. Why? What’s up with the secrecy???

Jesus was aware of the fallenness of people (including you and me) and knew they would get the wrong idea about Him then, as we do now. Jesus is not “God in a Bottle.” Or in a box, a bag, or a tube. And He sure didn’t want people portraying Him that way! While it is true that actions speak louder than words, sometimes actions speak so loudly that they drown out reason and the ability perceive correctly.

Now as then, people want deliverance from whatever ails them; they want miracles, they want more of this, that, or the other. The problem is they’re either not willing to give their heart in exchange – or perhaps tragically, they’re too willing to give their soul in exchange; God is nothing more to them than Someone who can deliver the goods and then leave them until the crap hits the fan – again.

Throughout the centuries people everywhere have struggled with this. I struggle with this. Currently, I want God to give me a better job with better pay (and more time to pursue what I want to do.) The Silence from Heaven is deafening. I think He wants me to seek Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Period

I am learning to think of God rightly and worship Him accordingly and that means sometimes keeping my mouth shut about how God deals with me. This morning I also read Psalm 121 and in doing so I consider my only options and here they are:
v.2 My help comes from the Lord
V.5 The Lord is [my] keeper
v.7 He will keep [my] soul
v.8 The Lord will guard [my] going out and [my] coming in
(Ps 121:2,5,7,8 NASB)

Father in Heaven,
The first words You spoke to me this day are in Psalm 121. My help comes from You and the job thing is in Your hands. You are my Keeper and the Protector of my soul, and You are my Guardian. I confess again this morning that You are NOT my Genie in a Bottle. Forgive me for praying in fear and help me to represent You well in all I do, say and think; and not to tell anyone otherwise – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.