I Peter 1.22 22Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, NASB
Life isn’t always so picturesque; even president’s approval ratings fall. Peter makes a statement in his first epistle that defies that; he says we’re to have a sincere love for the brethren (and ‘sister-en’) because we obey the truth. He goes on to say that we’re to love one another fervently from the heart.
Who lives in our heart (John 14)? Whose love flows from within us because of our belief in Him (John 7)? Love must never be based upon behavior or we’d all be unloved because we all do things that are unlovely. But if we love one another because of Who lives in our hearts then our love originates and ends with Christ for one another.
When I look at another believer
What do I see?
I see Jesus Christ
Looking back at me.
What’s not to love?
I must remember Peter’s words and remember that life isn’t always picturesque. People fall and people fail but the presence of Christ in a believer is an unchanging and unmovable truth. Their behavior may make me wonder, but His word holds me in place and keeps me from doubting. When I am with believers I must cling, no matter what, to the truth of Christ in them; when I am with unbelievers I must cling, no matter what, to Christ in me. My response to all succeeds or fails on how well I do in remembering Christ’s words, “I will be with you and I will be in You…”
Father in Heaven,
That You have placed Yourself in me and also in everyone who believes, is a miraculous marvel; a marvelous miracle. Father, as You love me and look at Christ in me, may I love others and see, if not Christ in them, then Jesus in me and live according to their needs and His presence – I pray in His Name, amen.
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