Sunday, July 5, 2009



Hebrews 2:16 16 For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham.
New American Standard Bible

Angels are real; they exist and serve a purpose – they are God’s servants to help believers. But as wonderful and mysterious as angels are, they are not the focus of God’s heart, mankind is. And not all mankind is the focus of God’s love – those who believe are. And those who believe are descendents (or sons) of Abraham, the father of the faithful. And so God gives help to the descendent of Abraham in order for that one to succeed in living a life of faith. Because God can help His own – legally…

Yesterday, July Fourth, I celebrated (again) the truth of my identity as a son of God. Today, July fifth, I celebrate my identity as a descendent of Abraham, the father of the faithful. Through Abraham I have faith and because of faith I have help and because of help I’ll succeed in living the life God has called me to live.

Father in Heaven,
Your people in Hosea’s time could not succeed because they didn’t have faith; they didn’t have saving faith. But You have given me saving faith and that is what I need to succeed in living the life You’ve called me to live but You also give me help. I am a descendent of Abraham through faith in Jesus Christ and You have come to my aid again and again because what I have Abraham had – a belief and trust in You that You are who You are and You’ll do what You say. Thank You God, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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