James 2:22 22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; (New American Standard Bible)
The 70’s TV show, Room 222 was created to take an entertaining, insightful and sometimes poignant look at modern life (through the filter of current events) and to cause the viewers to ask questions about the things going on around them, and perhaps see things in a different light in the American socio/political realm of the day. The program never aired an episode entitled, “James 222.” (Although, I always thought Karen Valentine was way cute…)
James wrote about practical Christianity and seemed to have the belief that faith (or trusting belief) ought to be represented by action that matched the belief. So it’s no wonder that James wrote, “You see that faith was working with [Abraham’s] works, and as a result of [his] works, [his] faith was perfected…” (James 2.22 NASB) If money is the lifeblood of power (cf. our current US governmental machine), then action is the lifeblood of faith.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, my actions are to (really, must) match my words. Period. Unfortunately, all too often, they do – in hypocrisy, unbelief, arrogance, and ineffectiveness. But just because I miss the mark at times doesn’t mean I settle for less than desired; I’m to strive to live as God calls me to live, and to do as God tells me to do – all the while believing that’s the way I’m to live! In living a life of increasing faith, my actions will more and more match my words and because of my actions my faith will mature and become perfected – the lifeblood of faith in God is action based upon a belief!
Father in Heaven,
You called me to believe in You and as a result of my belief my actions give credence to my belief as I follow You and obey You. Father, help me to increase in faith and let my actions always show how much I love You and that I believe You – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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