Thursday, July 23, 2009

Valuable Discussions


I Peter 2.7 7This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone," NASB

Last evening I had a conversation with a person who is caught up in the concept of an expanding universe and what she termed, ‘dark energy’. (I’m assuming it is called dark because it’s unseen and mysterious.) My question is, if the universe is expanding, then what is it expanding into? If the universe which is comprised of matter and space is expanding, then surely it is expanding into more space isn’t it?

These are big concepts and surely things that aren’t easily explained. I find in most of these kinds of conversations however, God is left out of the picture. That’s because He is, “the Stone which the builders rejected…” All of the collective knowledge of earth amounts to bupkis if God is left out of the equation – and the one who leaves Him out, is a fool.

But He is a value or benefit to those who believe for He is the Answer to whether or not the universe is expanding, and what really matters. What really matters is living for Him (and with Him and through Him) and loving people the way He does. God isn’t soft-serve, nor is He hard-as-nails; but He isn’t to be left out of conversations about the universe He created; and the one that does so, does to his own hurt. To leave God out is to let in everything that is evil and hurtful.

Jesus Christ is the Precious Cornerstone of my conversation and He is of infinite value to me – and I to Him!

Father in Heaven,
You made it all, and You started it all – therefore You aren’t to be left out of any discussion, and the one who does so does to his own disservice. The dumbest guy in the world is the one who shuts the door to the reality of You. May I boldly share You in some way in every conversation today and may You get all the glory – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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