Friday, July 31, 2009

He Knows


John 2:24-25 "24 But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, 25 and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man." New American Standard Bible

The other day while I was at work, I teased an elderly customer about shaking paint – she wanted me to shake it in the machine and I just shook it with my hands; cute – I knew I could get away with being cute and she didn’t seem to mind. Jesus, on the other hand, knew His audience – He knew all men, and still does. He knows what is in man. I need to really believe that…

Jesus knows what we were created to be and what, because of our insane and rebellious choices, we’ve become. Jesus created us. Jesus knows we are broken (unfixable), desperate, unhappy, unfulfilled, confused, easily influenced and prone to sin – helplessly prone to sin. So rather than come to fix in us what is un-fixable, Jesus came to create something new in us by buying us back – that’s called redemption. Jesus paid the full retail price – the MSRP – for broken and useless parts in order to create something new that would never wear out and never break down again. Yes, Jesus knows His audience, and He knows what He is doing.

And my part in all this? My part is to quit trying to show Jesus that I don’t need fixed, that I’m already good enough. My part is to cooperate with His new creative process and allow Him to do in me all that He has planned to do since before the world was ever created. I am to allow the Creator God to recreate in me something new so that the old and unfixable will each day, like old skin, dry out, decay, fall off, and blow away.

Father in Heaven,
You’ve designed it as a journey that starts, ends, and culminates in You. The outer unfixable part of me is irrevocably dead and decaying; the new part of me is being renewed every day as I come to You and cooperate with You in that process – for You know what is in me and You know what You are doing in me, to me and through me. I am Yours and I ask that You do what You’re going to do in my life – because You know me and You love me anyway. I pray in Christ’s Name – Creator God – amen.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I See You


John 1:48 48 Nathanael said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” New American Standard Bible

Jesus nailed Nathanel (v. 47) and Nathanel, perhaps a little self-conscious, asked the Lord to verify His statement. Jesus responds by saying, "Before Philip came looking for you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” I don’t think Nathanel thought anyone saw him and I think it was a private moment that only God could see. God+Jesus+see=belief… surely it meant proof that Jesus knew what He was talking about.

God is watching us. That may make some a little self-conscious and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. A little self-consciousness helps, perhaps, to clean up one’s thoughts; to reassure that God really is involved and really does care. I think Nathanel thought he was on a desert island amidst a stormy sea of Pharisee-ism, Sadducee-ism, Zealot-ism, and 'just-don’t-give-a-crap-anymore-ism'. I think Nathanel loved God and was doing his best to serve Him, but though he was a believer, life was beating him down and he wondered if all he did was for anyone’s good other than his own; and maybe that was evaporating as well.

But God did see him under that fig tree and God saw his heart and God loved him and cared for him and marvel of marvels – God revealed Himself to Nathanel. And Nathanel believed.

God sees me – as Tommy* wrote,
“He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
and He hears me when I call.”

God knows me and God cares about me. God desires that I grow in faith and that I learn to trust Him more and more. God sees me and has revealed Himself to me – not exactly as He did to Nathanel, but enough so I could believe in what He has done for me and so that, in return, I may live for Him.

Father in Heaven,
You do know me and You have called me and Your purposes will be worked out in my life; and I will follow You all the days of my life – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

*Tommy Walker
“He Knows My Name”
© 1996 Doulos Publishing Maranatha Music

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



2 Peter 3:14 14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless,
New American Standard Bible

When the Lord comes looking it is best to be found in peace – the kind that passes all understanding and with no animosity in our hearts. It is best also to be found spotless and clean with no sin lurking and finding strength in our weakness. And it is best to be found blameless and not the cause of evil or wickedness not to be a partner with such that is in the world. And because it is best to be found this way it is important to make this the most important thing in one’s life – right next to loving Him and loving others.

Diligence is usually found where we place our priorities. Normally we are diligent about the things we care about. I am learning to care about God more than anything else and I am finding a hunger growing in me to be at peace with my circumstances and station; spotless in my inner man and blameless in my conduct in the world. That is what is important to me and ever-growing so. Therefore I’m finding that my diligence is to keep the culture around me at bay and to find myself occupied and pre-occupied with the Lord. There is, for me, no other choice and no other meritable occupation.

Father in Heaven,
Lord God, Holy and true
I find myself wanting only to be with You.
May I live each day in Your temple place,
Admiring Your beauty and seeking Your face.
And when I see my sins coming by,
I’ll run to the shelter of Your wings on high.
When at last Your face I truly see,
I want to be found in peace, truth and purity.

Because of Jesus I sing – amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009



2 Peter 2:1 1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
New American Standard Bible

Peter’s description of false teachers and their destructive heresies in this part of his letter is astounding. He removes the masks that they hide behind and exposes them for what they are – big trouble – that initially looked safe and good. Big trouble, be it in the church, in the home, in relationships, at work, or wherever, usually starts with something very small and seemingly innocent; perhaps even looking (or sounding) good…

I am called before God to be careful and to consider what it is I believe and how I got to where I believe it. The word of God is to be my Standard by which I measure my thoughts, speech and conduct. Because no matter how good I think my life is there is always the possibility of a ‘but’. That calls for a thoroughness in the inspection of my thinking and what I hold dear to make sure it is the real deal and not just some good-looking counterfeit that will lead to a ‘but’.

Father in Heaven,
You made fail-safes for Your children, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be ‘but’s’. Isaiah wrote, “no weapon that is formed against you will prosper” so we can believe it will be formed against us and for our destruction. But by clinging to You and listening carefully and quietly to You I am protected against such weapons and against the smallest seeds that grow into the biggest trouble. Peter’s words are a reminder to me to be careful and may I do so by sitting quietly at Your feet, listening to and doing everything You say – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, July 27, 2009



2 Peter 1:10 10 Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; New American Standard Bible

These days we hear the term, ‘recession-proof’. Many are looking for a way to beat the recession and maintain the financial standard of living they’re used to. Bicycle sales and repair are recession-proof. In good times bikes are toys and in bad times they are transportation. Food is recession-proof provided the vendor can maintain his margins and make a profit. Mortuaries are recession-proof because dying doesn’t stop when money gets tight; dying doesn’t stop – period.

Peter urges us to be diligent in making our calling and election sure – that isn’t to check up on God, it’s to check up on the condition of our hearts to make sure we are maintaining our end of the bargain in loving obedience. And then Peter makes the magic statement: “…for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble…” By practicing (or living the Kingdom way) we will never stumble in our relationship with the Lord – our walk with Him will be stumble-proof.

I must be diligent about His calling me and choosing me by living according to my relationship with Him! That means I must live simply and guard against the pull of the culture around me. That means I must not allow my guard to be down in spiritual matters or in walking in the disciplines of the Christian life; I must have moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. These things must be the hallmarks of my life and the fruit of my relationship with Christ. Or I’m just kidding myself. And I don’t want to do that…

Father in Heaven,
As You have called me and chosen me, I thank for Your grace to walk victoriously in the things that Peter describes. I pray to be Your good disciple, and for courage to tackle the things in me that get in the way of my diligence in holy practice. Most of my problems are not external but internal and I pray for the internal help of the Holy Spirit to lead me – stumble-proof – in the way I should go – I’m trusting You for that in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Deep Impact


I Peter 3.2 2 as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. NASB

Although Peter’s words are primarily directed to wives in this context there is something to be said for the impact of behavior in the life of a Christian. It’s more likely that our actions will speak much louder than our words; that people will see Christ in us before they hear Christ in us. And it ain’t just for the women folk – we men must get it as well that we are to go into all the world and preach Christ…if necessary through words.

My conduct is very important because people are watching me and sizing up my faith by the way I act. I think my boss may have had his doubts yesterday. I am to represent Jesus as a complete package – in thought (which manifests itself in my judgment), more importantly, in word (which others hear) and most importantly, in deed (which others see and make judgments about me). I can bring my life before God in the morning and make a commitment to follow Him but it’s when I play back the tapes at the end of the day and review how I’ve done that shows how well I did, and where I need to repent and start all over again.

Father in Heaven,
You require all of me – body, soul, and spirit. And because You do, help me to be the complete package in my private thoughts and conversations that no one can hear; in my words that they can; and in my behavior which they see and decide if this Jesus I proclaim is the real Deal. I offer myself to You again this day to live for You and pray that my behavior will make a difference – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Valuable Discussions


I Peter 2.7 7This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, "THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNER stone," NASB

Last evening I had a conversation with a person who is caught up in the concept of an expanding universe and what she termed, ‘dark energy’. (I’m assuming it is called dark because it’s unseen and mysterious.) My question is, if the universe is expanding, then what is it expanding into? If the universe which is comprised of matter and space is expanding, then surely it is expanding into more space isn’t it?

These are big concepts and surely things that aren’t easily explained. I find in most of these kinds of conversations however, God is left out of the picture. That’s because He is, “the Stone which the builders rejected…” All of the collective knowledge of earth amounts to bupkis if God is left out of the equation – and the one who leaves Him out, is a fool.

But He is a value or benefit to those who believe for He is the Answer to whether or not the universe is expanding, and what really matters. What really matters is living for Him (and with Him and through Him) and loving people the way He does. God isn’t soft-serve, nor is He hard-as-nails; but He isn’t to be left out of conversations about the universe He created; and the one that does so, does to his own hurt. To leave God out is to let in everything that is evil and hurtful.

Jesus Christ is the Precious Cornerstone of my conversation and He is of infinite value to me – and I to Him!

Father in Heaven,
You made it all, and You started it all – therefore You aren’t to be left out of any discussion, and the one who does so does to his own disservice. The dumbest guy in the world is the one who shuts the door to the reality of You. May I boldly share You in some way in every conversation today and may You get all the glory – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What’s Not To Love


I Peter 1.22 22Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, NASB

Life isn’t always so picturesque; even president’s approval ratings fall. Peter makes a statement in his first epistle that defies that; he says we’re to have a sincere love for the brethren (and ‘sister-en’) because we obey the truth. He goes on to say that we’re to love one another fervently from the heart.

Who lives in our heart (John 14)? Whose love flows from within us because of our belief in Him (John 7)? Love must never be based upon behavior or we’d all be unloved because we all do things that are unlovely. But if we love one another because of Who lives in our hearts then our love originates and ends with Christ for one another.

When I look at another believer
What do I see?
I see Jesus Christ
Looking back at me.

What’s not to love?

I must remember Peter’s words and remember that life isn’t always picturesque. People fall and people fail but the presence of Christ in a believer is an unchanging and unmovable truth. Their behavior may make me wonder, but His word holds me in place and keeps me from doubting. When I am with believers I must cling, no matter what, to the truth of Christ in them; when I am with unbelievers I must cling, no matter what, to Christ in me. My response to all succeeds or fails on how well I do in remembering Christ’s words, “I will be with you and I will be in You…”

Father in Heaven,
That You have placed Yourself in me and also in everyone who believes, is a miraculous marvel; a marvelous miracle. Father, as You love me and look at Christ in me, may I love others and see, if not Christ in them, then Jesus in me and live according to their needs and His presence – I pray in His Name, amen.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Resource of Rescue


James 5.19-20 NASB 19My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, 20let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

To turn a sinner from the error of his way means two things: care for God and care for the sinner. It is the care of what God says and who God is. When the mocking question is posed, “Who cares about that (i.e. spiritual things and God’s Kingdom)?”, this person says, “I do!” When the mocking statement is made, “They’re only getting what they deserve!” this person says, “No, they don’t deserve it, they need God to save them!” Care like this only comes from the Spirit of Christ who cares enough about us to dwell in the cesspools known as our hearts.

That is why Jesus put rivers of living waters in me – to cleanse my own cesspool and to enable me to be a resource of rescue to one who has strayed from the truth and needs turned back. The upside is that I am doing what Jesus has called me to do and enabled me to be. The downside is that the one being turned back may become quite uncomfortable and resistive to such an act of love and may not understand or respond in a docile and loving manner - it may be a bloody fight - the flesh doesn't always give up so easy...

Father in Heaven,
By Your Spirit, You have placed rivers of living water within me that I may be a resource to others in the Body of Christ. Father help me to remember that I have been helped by You so that I may love and help my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank You for the gifts You give and the love You have for us all – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Monday, July 20, 2009

In My Heart


2 Chronicles 29:10 10 “Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, that His burning anger may turn away from us.
New American Standard Bible

In his heart, Hezekiah began his reign by repenting of sin and restoring true worship of the Lord at the temple in Jerusalem and throughout Judah. It started in his heart as he looked back over the history of Israel and saw that their troubles began when their hearts began to wander from the Lord and His leadership. So Hezekiah mourned over the sins of his ancestors and decided enough was enough – he would lead a national revival and he would restore true worship in the land.

Restoration, renewal, recovery – all these things begin when a person has their focus redirected to the goodness of God, and compares that view to the evil and wickedness in their own life. When one sees the goodness of God everything else looks pretty lame. A view of God ought to lead us to repentance and to the removal of all the crap that’s in our own hearts so that we may return to God and be restored.

That’s why daily introspective sojourns into the Scriptures are so vital and necessary. That’s why stories like this in 2 Chronicles are so powerful – they get me to thinking about my own life and what my own worship (or lack thereof) looks like. It is all designed to get me to keep the Lord as the Focus of my life in everyday living. So I read and reflect and refocus; I repent and am restored; and in renewal I go back into the battle (see James 4.1) of everyday life and strive to live as God calls me to live. Because great is my reward if I do so (see Hebrews 11.6).

Father in Heaven,
You never said it would be easy but the cleansing and consecration process is so necessary. It starts in my heart when the Holy Spirit begins to reveal what to remove that is offensive and bring in what is holy and pleasing in Your sight – righteousness and true worship. Father give me strength this day to lean upon You and fight the good fight – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Psalm 27.4 - FOCUS!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

James 222


James 2:22 22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; (New American Standard Bible)

The 70’s TV show, Room 222 was created to take an entertaining, insightful and sometimes poignant look at modern life (through the filter of current events) and to cause the viewers to ask questions about the things going on around them, and perhaps see things in a different light in the American socio/political realm of the day. The program never aired an episode entitled, “James 222.” (Although, I always thought Karen Valentine was way cute…)

James wrote about practical Christianity and seemed to have the belief that faith (or trusting belief) ought to be represented by action that matched the belief. So it’s no wonder that James wrote, “You see that faith was working with [Abraham’s] works, and as a result of [his] works, [his] faith was perfected…” (James 2.22 NASB) If money is the lifeblood of power (cf. our current US governmental machine), then action is the lifeblood of faith.

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, my actions are to (really, must) match my words. Period. Unfortunately, all too often, they do – in hypocrisy, unbelief, arrogance, and ineffectiveness. But just because I miss the mark at times doesn’t mean I settle for less than desired; I’m to strive to live as God calls me to live, and to do as God tells me to do – all the while believing that’s the way I’m to live! In living a life of increasing faith, my actions will more and more match my words and because of my actions my faith will mature and become perfected – the lifeblood of faith in God is action based upon a belief!

Father in Heaven,
You called me to believe in You and as a result of my belief my actions give credence to my belief as I follow You and obey You. Father, help me to increase in faith and let my actions always show how much I love You and that I believe You – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, July 17, 2009

View and Value


James 1:2-3 2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
New American Standard Bible

What a masterful statement by James – the half-brother of Jesus and a former unbeliever (see John 7.5). James understood what effect trials and pains have (and are supposed to have) upon us as children of God: they produce faith, patience and repentance. A favorite and familiar verse in Romans says, “…God causes all things to work together for good to those who love [Him], to those who are called according to His purpose.” (8.28)

In other words, if God is in control then He’s not using trials and difficulty to punish us but to change us; change in the heart of a believer is a good thing because, James says, it produces endurance; endurance is a key element in the Abundant Life (John 10.10) and in the process of salvation (1 Peter 1.9).

I am learning to view and value my life’s circumstances, whether good or bad; whether people, places, or things, as gifts in my life from God that are specifically there to produce in me patience and increased faith. I am striving to look past my pain in whatever form it takes and look to the promise of endurance with all the glory it brings… So I’m endeavoring to relax and smile when the crap hits the fan and life doesn’t go the way I want - trusting that God is using whatever I go through for my good; and I get endurance as a reward!

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for every good and perfect gift You give me that is producing increased faith and endurance – I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Strengthened by Grace


Hebrews 13:9 9 Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were so occupied were not benefited.
New American Standard Bible

“Hebrews” was written to Hebrews; God’s plan of redemption started with the Hebrews. He also extended His plan to encompass everyone, but He started with His people – the Hebrews. So this particular admonishment had special meaning because they understood what the writer – also a Hebrew – meant by pointing out the deficiency of religious laws and regulations that though they look good, accomplish no meaningful change in the heart of the ones who live by them. He says that the only way to change is by God’s unmerited favor – His grace.

Grace was never ever meant to be (as some see it) a license to live as we please; it is God’s vital ingredient for success in the life of His disciple. His grace is His favor and His favor is His seal of approval and the guarantee of His love. Grace is not the Holy Spirit but the Spirit resides in us by His grace. Grace is not Jesus Christ but grace set the stage for Jesus to offer Himself up as our Perfect Sacrifice and the Way of Atonement for us all. Religious regulations and traditions about food can never communicate this or cause us to live successfully. We must be strengthened by God’s grace.

I must be careful never to substitute any self-imposed rule or regulation in place of God’s grace to me; I am who I am and believe what I believe by His grace alone and His grace is sufficient to see me through this life to that place where I meet Him face to face.

Father in Heaven,
You grace strengthens me because it reveals the magnitude of Your love in all that You have done to secure my heart for eternity with You. I strengthen my heart this day with the knowledge of Your grace knowing that it is for the success of my life here on earth that I may rejoice with You someday in Heaven – thank You for grace! Through Jesus and by Your grace I pray, amen.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Returning the Favor


Hebrews 12:28 28 Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; New American Standard Bible

The Apostle Paul once wrote, “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual (rational) service of worship.” (Romans 12.1) Here in Hebrews 12 the writer shares the same encouragement, “…since we receive… let us show gratitude by…service with reverence and awe.” It’s the least we can do for all God has done for us and that for which we are conscious.

Every time I am full of praise and thanksgiving for something God has done for me ought to be the precursor for when I offer myself to God for service of some sort. His kindness and goodness ought to spring me into action in the Kingdom. It may be through prayer and intercession; it may be through a kind word to someone. It may be through some kind of action (and attitude) that shows His kindness and goodness are having such an effect upon me that I show my thanks to Him by serving Him. Jesus said, “If you obey My commands, you will remain in my love…” Obedience implies action and action implies service and service implies attitude and attitude implies gratitude. The way to return the favor to God is to obey.

Father in Heaven,
You have done so much for me; it’s not too much that I do something for You. You have given me so much, it’s not too much for me to say “thank You!” by giving my life to serve in Your Kingdom and Your Business in the world. Since I have received so much may I show gratitude by getting off of my behind and involving myself in the lives of others for Your sake – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Hebrews 11:6 6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. New American Standard Bible

In pleasing the Lord, we must approach Him in faith believing that He is and that He rewards the ones who do… Pleasing God means understanding that He shouts and sings in unbridled joy and infinite happiness that His divinity has taken root in our souls here on earth; our lives from that moment on are eternally changed as they become from that point on a repository of His reward: grace to carry on.

I for the most part, have been dull and flat in my understanding all these years of ‘walking with the Lord.’ God’s reward is a big deal and I just don’t (or haven’t) take(n) the time to think about it and enjoy it as I ought. But even in my dullness and flatness His grace is sufficient because His love is so great. He desires that I succeed in Kingdom living and He is doing everything He can (which is everything) to nurture and grow that divine nature He has planted in me by His grace.

So, today I walk in His grace and in the consciousness of His reward because I am a child of faith in Him.

Father in Heaven,
You have promised all that You are to the one who will surrender all that he has by living in faith, believing that You are Who You are, and that You do what You do. Father, I thank You for Your reward – Your grace – which is sufficient to give me every success I need in walking in the Abundant life promised to me in Jesus Christ and by faith in Him – it’s in His Name I pray, amen.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Forgiven and Forgotten


Hebrews 10:18 18 Now where there is forgiveness of these things, there is no longer any offering for sin. New American Standard Bible

…because where sins are forgiven, they are also forgotten; and where sins are forgotten they are no longer powerful to condemn and corrupt. That’s why there is no longer any offering for sin because Jesus dealt with it by His sacrifice once for all. So what do we do when we do what we do? We repent and claim the sacrifice of Him who paid it all and we live in the freedom by which He has made us free from repeating the same stupid stuff over and over and over.

That’s why His sacrifice is so great because it cleanses completely and though we do stupid stuff we don’t remain in it because His power shows us how bad stupid stuff is; and recognizing how bad it is and how great He is, we avoid it. Simple.

When Paul said “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” he meant it. So, I will read and re-read and re-read until the day the Lord takes me home. And I will admit how weak and vulnerable I am; but I will also claim – as my very own – that where there is forgiveness of these things (my weakness and vulnerability) there is no longer any sacrifice for sin; I can’t do anything to fix what I break or change God’s attitude toward me…my sins are forgiven and forgotten. My home these days will be in the presence of the promises He has made and in the work that He finished on the cross. I will allow the Word of God to tell me what He's done and who I am as a result!

Father in Heaven,
You made a way because You paid my way. There is nothing I can bring to the table to assuage my guilt or atone for my crimes – You took care of it all by the blood of Christ! Increase my faith and help me to rest in what You’ve already done for me, then, now, and for all eternity – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cleansed Changed and Enabled


Hebrews 9:14 14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
New American Standard Bible

Sin turned the minds of men away from God and to themselves. Sin sullies the hearts of people so that they are incapable of knowing God and doing what pleases Him. A dirty mind only serves a dirty self, and that service only ends in death. That’s why the apostle Paul said, “And you were (past tense) dead in your trespasses and sins…” Here the writer of Hebrews gives us another piece of the solvable puzzle that shows why the sacrificial death of Jesus is so important and so vital – it cleanses our minds from dead works – or serving self – to serving the Living God and His infinitely good purposes in the world. Wow!

It’s not that I won’t ever again make a selfish decision and suffer the consequences for such an action; it’s now that my mind has been cleansed, changed, and enabled to do what is righteous and good to please God and accomplish His will for my life.

Father in Heaven,
Your salvation is more than just mentally accepting Who You are and what You do – Your salvation results in the outworking of righteousness that without the cleansing blood of Jesus’ sacrifice, will not happen. You made a way for me to serve You in holiness, purity, and power when that first tiny drop of His precious blood splattered upon that dry Palestinian pavement. Through His blood You cleansed me and made me worthy to be called Your child – thank You. I can now serve You with a conscience that’s been made alive! In His precious Name, amen.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Law and Love 101


Hebrews 8:9 9 Not like the covenant which I made with their fathers On the day when I took them by the hand To lead them out of the land of Egypt;
For they did not continue in My covenant, And I did not care for them, says the Lord. New American Standard Bible

Again this morning, like the brilliance of the sun cresting the horizon, the Scripture makes a glorious statement of encouragement and promise: “for they did not continue in My covenant and I did not care for them…” Massive, brilliant, glorious! The fault was with them and not with God. Why!? Because the first covenant was too much for them – they couldn’t handle it. And that is exactly what God intended.

God never intended for our relationship with Him to be written on tablets of stone; He always meant for us to be friends and to walk with us in loving fellowship in the cool of the day. Law 101 was intended to show the justice and fury and authority of God; Love 101, a better covenant was intended to show us His heart, His love and His affection; and to share His heart with our own.

I was never born under the Levitical Law. I am a Gentile by birth but I am under grace and the promise of a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. I am not accountable to law but to love and because of that, I am able to live caring about what God cares about and behave accordingly. I live under a new Covenant where the love of God is inked in blood upon my heart and He is my God and I am His child.

Father in Heaven,
“If that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion sought for a second.” How grateful I am for the Second Covenant and for Your law written in love upon my heart. Help me this day to love You more and walk in love with You. Help me to share Your love with others and to help them see who You really are. Thank You for the New Covenant and for the better promises that are mine in Jesus Christ – I pray in His Name, amen.

Friday, July 10, 2009

God Enjoyable


Hebrews 7:25 25 Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
New American Standard Bible

Richard Baxter, a 17th century English Puritan, wrote: “Do no activity which you cannot entitle God to, and truly say that He set you about it, and do nothing in the world for any other ultimate purpose than to please, glorify and enjoy Him. "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."” (1 Corinthians 10:31) When I read words like that in the light of Hebrews 7.25 the verse in Hebrews shines in a new light. Jesus ALWAYS lives to make intercession for His followers. If there is any truth I need to follow today, it is this: Jesus Christ prays for me so that I may successfully live every day for the ultimate purpose of pleasing, glorifying, and enjoying God.

Who knew God was enjoyable??? The child of God who understands and holds that Jesus Christ always lives interceding for him – that’s who!

Father in Heaven,
Yesterday when Your daughter said she was full of faith for no reason at all*, I think she was being sweet, but incorrect in making that statement. I think she's full of faith because Jesus Christ intercedes for her and that’s reason enough to fill the entire universe. Lord, I am humbled at the thought of You praying for me that I may please, glorify, and enjoy You this day – and every day. Help me to walk in that conscious reality today as I live my life and as I walk in worship of You – I pray in the Name of my Intercessor, amen.

*Posted on a Social Network...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sure and Steadfast


Hebrews 6:19 19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil,
New American Standard Bible

Anchors serve the purpose of holding ships in place so that wind and water currents don’t push or drift theminto one another while in port or onto the shore; the bigger the ship the bigger the anchor needed. But sometimes the forces of nature can defeat anchors and ships wind up damaged as a result… think about the damage done to sea-going vessels when Katrina reared her ugly and powerful head.

The writer assures us in Hebrews 6 that the hope we have in Christ is an anchor big enough to hold our faith in place regardless of the storms of life that come up. This morning I awoke and prayed for three in prison, another with cancer and two others with serious marital storms brewing. The storms of life are definitely out there and often they come in here; the question is do I trust Christ and does hope anchor my soul sure and steadfast to His finished work? It does and it must, or I will be swept away just by the squalls long before the tidal surge of any hurricanes.

Hope is a gift that enables me to weather the storms because of what Jesus has already done for me. Hope enables me to see beyond the storms and trust in the One who has entered as a forerunner for me, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for the gift of hope. May my life be a beacon of hope to the imprisoned, the sick and the troubled. Help me to remember my hope – what I long for and expect simply on the basis that You have said it is so – and You cannot lie. Father, may I help others remember their hope, the anchor that holds them sure and steadfast when the dark clouds come and the wind turns fierce and the waves crash against them – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect


Hebrews 5:14 14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. New American Standard Bible

I offer up my devotional thoughts each day for the edification and encouragement of others. My hope is that someone will read them and think about God. In the cacophony of daily human communication, my goal is to offer a word of help or encouragement to someone. That’s why I do what I do.

Today, I landed here in Hebrews 5 – and I saw the word, ‘practice’ and I thought about what that means. I thought about the adage, “Practice makes perfect.” And though I’m not sure what ‘practice make perfect’ means to you, I do know that it seems to fit in this verse and this verse seems to be implying there is a manner in which we are to intentionally live that by doing so, we mature and become trained.

So I look for ways to train myself by daily practice. I daily think about what I read in the Bible and I think of how it applies in/to my life and practice so that I might become trained to discern good and evil and live a godly life. Practice does make perfect according to the Word of God. As a servant/child in the Kingdom of God, practice is the least I can do.

So my word today is this: practice, practice, practice and when we’ve done all we think we can do, practice some more. Our world is an increasingly evil and difficult place to live and to have our senses trained to discern good and evil is vital to our success in living the lives God has called us to live. I hope in reading this you’re encouraged and challenged this day to practice looking at life from God’s perspective and see what it is He’s called you to…

May God richly bless your practice this day – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Influence of Affluence


Hebrews 4:11 11 Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience.
New American Standard Bible

Hosea 10.1 begins by describing the affluence and prosperity of Ephraim (a tribe of Israel representing the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom). Hosea 10.2, states flatly they were faithless; their prosperity led them away from God. I cannot help but see the parallels in our day; affluence and prosperity have influenced how the modern church thinks about God and how she views her salvation.

So when the writer of Hebrews states, “Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience.” he’s telling us to remember Israel’s sad history and not repeat it.

I am called to be diligent in my walk with the Lord. I am to be diligent in seeking Him alone and avoiding the pull of the world. Material ‘blessing’ can be a very dangerous thing to many – including me. The ‘rest’ spoken of here is relationship with God that results in salvation and eternal life and I must be diligent in seeking that. Like Asaph in Psalm 73, I must be intentionally careful to guard against envying those who have lots of stuff (and trying to be like them); and diligently keep my life-focus on worshiping God and seeking Him. Then I experience His rest…

Father in Heaven,
The prayer You gave Asaph is mine today:

“Whom have I in heaven but You? Besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. For, behold, those who are far from You will perish; You have destroyed all those who are unfaithful to You. But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works.” May it be so, in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, July 6, 2009

If We


Hebrews 3:6 6 but Christ was faithful as a Son over His house—whose house we are, if we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end. New American Standard Bible

We have become a self-sufficient society – we depend on ourselves. It is better to depend on yourself than to become a burden to someone else we think; and so we live our lives making decisions and trying to do the best we can with what we have. Sounds good if living life is all there is. But what happens when we discover heinous sin in our children? What happens when disease shows up uninvited and unannounced? What happens when the ruling authorities make up some regulation that is really going raise our taxes and reduce our freedom…then what? Where will our confidence be then and to what will we cling in the day of trouble?

Repeatedly the writer of Hebrews uses the words, “…if we…”. In the present verse he said, “…whose house we are, if we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end.” “If we” – there is certainly some big personal responsibility in those two little words.

I can either depend on myself, my creativity, my reasoning, or my cleverness – or like Jesus, I can faithfully depend on God. In the uncertainty of life, I must be found on the faithful side of the equation. If I cling to God then His promise is He’ll help me and He’ll cause all things will work together for my good. But if I choose to ignore Him, then I’ll have to tough it out on my own – well, how’s that workin’ for ya, Paul?

Father in Heaven,
As Jesus was faithful over Your house, You are merciful over Your house. But You expect those who make up Your house to live lives of faithfulness and fruitfulness as they listen to and obey You; self-sufficiency is sin and arrogance. Father, may I surrender to You more and more and lean not on my own understanding. May I in all my ways, acknowledge You that You may direct my paths to the perfect accomplishment of Your will for my life – I pray in Christ’s Name: Faithful, amen.

Sunday, July 5, 2009



Hebrews 2:16 16 For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham.
New American Standard Bible

Angels are real; they exist and serve a purpose – they are God’s servants to help believers. But as wonderful and mysterious as angels are, they are not the focus of God’s heart, mankind is. And not all mankind is the focus of God’s love – those who believe are. And those who believe are descendents (or sons) of Abraham, the father of the faithful. And so God gives help to the descendent of Abraham in order for that one to succeed in living a life of faith. Because God can help His own – legally…

Yesterday, July Fourth, I celebrated (again) the truth of my identity as a son of God. Today, July fifth, I celebrate my identity as a descendent of Abraham, the father of the faithful. Through Abraham I have faith and because of faith I have help and because of help I’ll succeed in living the life God has called me to live.

Father in Heaven,
Your people in Hosea’s time could not succeed because they didn’t have faith; they didn’t have saving faith. But You have given me saving faith and that is what I need to succeed in living the life You’ve called me to live but You also give me help. I am a descendent of Abraham through faith in Jesus Christ and You have come to my aid again and again because what I have Abraham had – a belief and trust in You that You are who You are and You’ll do what You say. Thank You God, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I Am Your Son


2 Kings 16:7 7 So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, saying, “I am your servant and your son; come up and deliver me from the hand of the king of Aram and from the hand of the king of Israel, who are rising up against me.” New American Standard Bible

Sons have always been a big, big deal in the narrative of the Scripture. To have a son was a tremendous blessing and to be the firstborn son in a family was equally a blessing and a big deal. So to have the king of one country say “I am your son” to another king of another was no small statement. And what makes it really a big deal was for one of God’s kings to say that to a pagan king. Talk about dis!

In the book of Hebrews we are told Who God’s Son is: “…in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.” (Hebrews 1.2) And in the book of Hosea we are told who God’s sons are: “It will be said to them, “You are the sons of the living God.” (Hosea 1.10) Sons are a big deal and God wants a great big family.

Paul then makes this massive statement in Galatians 3: For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.” (Vv. 26-29)

So to be a son is a big, big deal and to claim your son-ship to merely a man or a system is very stupid and short-sighted. I will claim today in front of God and everyone: I am God’s son! I believe what Paul wrote about son-ship and I am God’s son according to faith in Jesus Christ; for I have been baptized into Christ and am clothed with Him and I belong to Him – that makes me God’s son!

Father in Heaven,
You are Father because You have a Son and through Him many sons; and I am one of them through Your Son, Jesus Christ. I will walk as a son and live as a son in You this day and I proclaim my dependence upon You as a son in the Family of God. May Your blessing be upon all Your ‘sons’, male or female, Jew or Greek and may we accomplish the reality of life with You by living life in You – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Cling or Release


Isaiah 7:11 11 “Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God; make it deep as Sheol or high as heaven.” New American Standard Bible

Ahaz the king of Judah was giving lip-service to God on where his real alliances were, so as God’s man ruling God’s country, God in Isaiah 7 called him on it: “Are you going to believe in Me or in your alliances? But just to show you how powerful I am in dealing with foreign powers, here, ask Me for anything and make it as tough as you can and I will prove to you who I am, and what I do!” That’s almost like getting three wishes! The tragedy was Ahaz refused to ask for a sign because he wanted to look religious but he didn’t want to give up on the alliances he’d forged because he trusted in them more that he did God.

Makes me wonder what I am clinging to rather than the Lord. Is it on my own creativity and skill? Hmmm. How about my friendships? (Maybe this networking thing is working…) Or is it my family or money (that’s safe because I don’t have any money!), or the government, or, or, or …? Whatever I am substituting for God is to my own hurt because whenever I reject Him (substitute someone or something else) I only gain myself and my track record to this point is terrible when it comes to depending on me…

Father in Heaven,
Your desire is to have all of my heart, all of the time; and Your promise is to see me through as I cling to You. So today I think about king Ahaz and what he was trying to protect and then I think about me and what I might be trying to protect. I pray that You help me to cling to You with all of my heart and to release my grip in whatever it is I am clinging to that I think will free me from what I feel is the current crisis. Help me to trust in the One born of a virgin whose Name is Immanuel – I pray and trust in His Name, amen.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Worth Fighting For


Jude 3 3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.
New American Standard Bible

In modern lingo we’d say, “…kick butt for the faith…” Because even though Jude asserts that the faith was once for all handed down to the saints, there are always those people and/or situations that assault the faith and attempt to discredit it or twist it into something else. These circumstances call for earnest contention or effort to both maintain the faith and to reject anyone or anything that would try to deny it.

Vision leaks but so does faith. And so because complacency creeps in and we wear down, I must contend and continue in what I know to be the truth no matter how irritated the world gets at me for doing so; the truth is the truth and I will contend for it, that somehow through my life and words someone else will see that the faith is worth fighting for…more than anything else on earth.

Father in Heaven,
You have once for all handed down faith and opened the eyes of some to see the truth. You will is that everyone come to know You somehow but the reality for You is not everyone will. But through Jude, You urge me to contend for the truth by showing the error of men and their hatred for You and Your ways. Help me this day to be a shining light in a dark place and to contend for the faith I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

World Without War


Isaiah 2:4 4 And He will judge between the nations,
And will render decisions for many peoples;
And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
And never again will they learn war.
New American Standard Bible

Isaiah speaks of a time when peace will truly be established and enduring upon the earth. I must admit, in these times in which we live, I have huge difficulty seeing our world without war. When I think about the titanic struggles of men with each other and nation against nation, and the enormity of sin in the world, I can’t imagine a time when people will turn their tanks into tractors and melt down their M-!6’s and AK-47’s into lopping shears. Nowadays I sometimes wonder who is really in charge of our planet and our times.

But God has made these present times in order for faith to grow and flourish. God has made these times to show us the futility of life on our own without Him. Just as the days of the Mosaic Law were days in which He showed His own people just how impossible it was to keep the Law and to earn one’s way into heaven; so these days are days of choosing: God or government – and which one will truly deliver and make good in the world? Isaiah pointed to a future time when God would rule in righteousness and no longer would we men settle our differences with armed conflict but according to the justice and wisdom of God – the way He originally intended for it to be…

In order for faith to grow and flourish there must be a people in whom there is faith and through whom others may see and believe. That is what I am called to and that is how I will live – according to faith in God Who will bring this world together someday without war. Until then my calling and purpose is to display the faith I have, in the One who loved me and gave Himself for me, to my fellow man.

Father in Heaven,
Make me wholly Thine; create in me Thy love divine.
Work in me that men may see Thy love, Thine heart and purity.
A work in me Thou hast begun that I and the others, in You may be one;
That our world might put away the spear and the sword, and forever trust in Thee, the Living Lord.
Thou art the Lord, age to age the same; and hearest prayers prayed in Jesus’ Name, Amen.