John 2:24-25 "24 But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, 25 and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man." New American Standard Bible
The other day while I was at work, I teased an elderly customer about shaking paint – she wanted me to shake it in the machine and I just shook it with my hands; cute – I knew I could get away with being cute and she didn’t seem to mind. Jesus, on the other hand, knew His audience – He knew all men, and still does. He knows what is in man. I need to really believe that…
Jesus knows what we were created to be and what, because of our insane and rebellious choices, we’ve become. Jesus created us. Jesus knows we are broken (unfixable), desperate, unhappy, unfulfilled, confused, easily influenced and prone to sin – helplessly prone to sin. So rather than come to fix in us what is un-fixable, Jesus came to create something new in us by buying us back – that’s called redemption. Jesus paid the full retail price – the MSRP – for broken and useless parts in order to create something new that would never wear out and never break down again. Yes, Jesus knows His audience, and He knows what He is doing.
And my part in all this? My part is to quit trying to show Jesus that I don’t need fixed, that I’m already good enough. My part is to cooperate with His new creative process and allow Him to do in me all that He has planned to do since before the world was ever created. I am to allow the Creator God to recreate in me something new so that the old and unfixable will each day, like old skin, dry out, decay, fall off, and blow away.
Father in Heaven,
You’ve designed it as a journey that starts, ends, and culminates in You. The outer unfixable part of me is irrevocably dead and decaying; the new part of me is being renewed every day as I come to You and cooperate with You in that process – for You know what is in me and You know what You are doing in me, to me and through me. I am Yours and I ask that You do what You’re going to do in my life – because You know me and You love me anyway. I pray in Christ’s Name – Creator God – amen.