Matthew 3.3 This
is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in
the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”
– St. Matthew
The gospels were not written in real-time – they were
written looking back. The prophet Isaiah, didn’t call John by name, but he
foretold what he would one day do. Matthew, a disciple of Christ and
one of the Twelve, understood John’s ministry as the one described by Isaiah.
Malachi (300 years after Isaiah) saw the same thing: “I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.” (Malachi
I don’t see anywhere in Scripture where it speaks of me, save: “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe
in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just
as you are in me and I am in you.” (John 17.20-21a) I am one who has believed their message.
John was not one, who would be seen strutting
around proclaiming he was God’s messenger as foretold by Isaiah the prophet; but John knew who he was, and what he was called to do: prepare God’s people for the coming Messiah, and proclaim Jesus when He
arrived. Isaiah lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus; and John
was born about the same time as Jesus.
As I read all this today, Easter Sunday, I thought about
what Scripture might say about you and me, were we written therein. Would it
say we were to be preparers and proclaimers of God’s glorious message to
mankind; that He had sent us to cry out to our relatives and friends: ‘Prepare
the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’? It doesn’t, but that is who we are.
In each successive generation since the birth, death, and
resurrection of Jesus, God has placed His messengers to prepare and proclaim
His message of salvation. It may not be distinctly written somewhere that we
are; but we are. God’s plan is that we are.
As we take inventory in our minds, who is it, that God
has called us to, to prepare and proclaim? Who do we work alongside? Who are we
related to? Who will we engage in conversation with today that will benefit
from a conversation of preparation and proclamation? Not only are we to enjoy
God’s friendship and presence, but we’re to invite others to enjoy it as well.
This Easter Holiday, (or Resurrection Day) is a
proclamation of what God has done. Some are ready for it; some are not. But we –
those who believe – are to prepare others for that proclamation by being the
people God has called us to be, and to live as God has called us to live, so that
others may accept the proclamation that He is not here, He is risen! (Luke
We don’t seek a hero,
we seek a Savior. We don’t seek a
crucified Savior, we seek a risen
Savior! The tomb is empty. Death could not hold the Author of life!
Father, may
everyday be a day of preparation, not for His coming, but for His return. May I
be used to help others see and be ready for that great Day. Thank You that as
part of Your Church, I am called to prepare and proclaim that Jesus Christ is
Lord because: faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard
through the word about Christ. Amen
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