Friday, April 14, 2017

God Regretted


1 Samuel 15.35 Until the day Samuel died, he did not go to see Saul again, though Samuel mourned for him. And the Lord regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel.

This is a sad story because Samuel really loved Saul. This account should be familiar to multiplied thousands of people who've put their trust into another, only to find their trust shattered by the one they've trusted in. This was the case with God and Samuel, and Saul.

To be fair, Samuel was the king-maker. He was the one appointed by God to do the work of obedience in anointing Saul and everyone looked to Samuel as, someone who knew what he was doing. Samuel was the prophet and judge. Samuel was the one to whom God spoke.

And Saul was a disaster. And Samuel mourned for him. I think people wondered about Samuel’s choice…

People do have potential. People are put on earth to be successful and productive. God’s intent seems to be to help people overcome the evil of this world, and to make a decent life for themselves as they journey toward Heaven. But that intention and help that God provides, is only as the people He has created partner and walk (live) with Him. God never intends for any of us to go it alone. With God is success, without God is, well, Saul.

This verse says that God regretted He made Saul king. To our human ears that may sound like God – the Almighty and Omniscient One – made a mistake. Notice it didn’t say God, regretted that He made Saul; it says, He regretted He made Saul king. Saul, through his own choices refused to cooperate with God. And it cost him the crown.

Does God regret what He has sent us to do when we end up like Saul – a train wreck? I think the All-knowing One sees what we could have been with Him, rather than what we are without Him. God believes for the best in all of us – why else would there be God?

We are the regrettable – we are the ones who’ve rejected God and wound up in the place we are. Notice, we’re not the deplorables; God never looks at us that way. And here is where the love of God comes to our rescue: our lives are not the sum-total of what we do; our lives are the sum-total of who we are. And who we are, is the sum-total of how we view God; He is either Lord of all, or not at all.

God was not, Lord of all to Saul. And Samuel mourned and God regretted – not His decision, but Saul’s choice. When we chose other than God, I think God regrets our choice. I think God regrets and family and friends mourn. Ah, but the love of God and the power of forgiveness.

God can work through our train wrecks. It won’t be pretty, but it is a sign of His indescribable love. God is the God of chances and all it requires on our part is, repentance…Jesus says, now, go and sin no more.

Father in Heaven, I think about my life and where I am at this point and for one, I am glad that You love me and have not given up on me. In my Saul-ish ways, I have my own share of train-wrecks. But I am humbled that You are still working in my life to correct the damage, and keep me going in the direction You’ve chosen for me. Find me willing to obey, and compliant with all You are doing in me – Amen!

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