Thursday, April 27, 2017

Lord Save Me


Matthew 14.30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 

After a full few days of ministry, Jesus sent His men out, on Lake Galilee to take a break from the service, and services, they held. They headed out in their boat without the Lord, and in the middle of the night were rowing hard because of the wind. At some point, they saw what appeared to be Jesus walking toward them on the water and they cried out in fear – who walks on water? 

Jesus assures them it is just Him, and Peter then says, “Lord, if it’s [just] you, tell me to come to you on the water.” To which Jesus responds: C’mon. Then, Peter, always the imaginative sort, steps out of the boat onto the water and begins to walk (O my gosh!) towards Jesus. Verse 30: But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me! 

There are prayers, and then there are effective prayers. Peter prayed effectively: “Lord, save me! 

In life, we may not get to get out on the water – although I am sure there are times when we wish we could – but I think there are times when we find ourselves out in deep water. Deep water calls for effective prayer. It’s as simple as, “Lord, save me! 

Jesus saved Peter even though Peter asked for the experience. So, maybe it’s true: we ought to careful what we ask for. However, when God gives us what we want, we cannot forget to experience whatever it is without Him. I think our problem, like Peter’s, is we ask for stuff from God and then, like a hungry dog, run off to enjoy it before someone or something else can come along and take it away. We forget that all we have, and are, are for God’s pleasure and, in His pleasure, we’re to enjoy him. 

Peter, possibly, challenged Jesus: “Lord, if it’s You…” If we need to be careful what we ask God for, we also need to be careful in challenging Him – He thinks we’re serious. Because, when Peter went a-sinkin’, Jesus was a-thinkin’: “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Peter, don’t ask if you don’t think it’s gonna happen: God takes you seriously. Why do we ask God for things and then doubt He’ll come through for us? It kind-of defeats the whole process of prayer.

But the recovery is this – whether wind or waves – Lord! Save me! I think that’s when I get to the end of my rope and realize that only God can help me. That seems to be my mode of prayer in these current days. And, in those moments when the wind and the waves are too much for me (as they should be), I ask God for help; asking in expectation that somehow, some way, He’ll come through on my behalf.

Father in Heaven, I give Peter style points for being the only one to get out of the boat and walk. That took courage. But Lord, it’s more than a spontaneous challenge – it’s trusting You to save me whatever my need; even if my need is to do without. I ask for courage, and I ask for faith.

“So, let go my soul and trust in Him, the waves and wind still know His name…*” Amen

*Bethel Music - It Is Well Lyrics

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