Sunday, June 5, 2016

Know the Hope


Ephesians 1.18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people… - St. Paul

A model prayer, St. Paul prayed for the Ephesians to have open hearts and minds. He prayed that the eyes of their heart be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which God called them. Hope, to us moderns, is a funny, but important word.

We say, “I hope it rains today.” That is wishful thinking. It may be based on the dark clouds over on the horizon. It may be because rain is needed. But it is a misuse of the word. Hope is not wishful thinking; it is the ability to conduct oneself with the knowledge of what’s coming. Hope is real, hope is tangible, and hope is future until that day when hope will be no more. To say, I hope it rains, means the drops are already falling…

To know the hope means knowing the future based upon what – and only what – God has said. The hope of heaven is the fixed knowledge that it is and what will be. The hope of salvation is the fixed knowledge that is has already happened in the lives of the saved and will be consummated on the Day of Christ.

These aren’t just ideas floating around out in space but truths that are anchored in the heart. Earth is no place for Heaven but earth is the beginning place of the knowledge of Heaven. The truths of heaven are there for our encouragement and direction. With those truths we make our way home toward eternal life, the idea of which finds its birthplace in the heart of those who believe on earth now.

Church is all about growth. When we belong to a local church we are there for very specific reasons. We are there to learn. We are there to fellowship. We are there to encourage and to bless. We are there to celebrate. And we are there to remember who we are, where we are, and why we are because of the hope we share. That hope tells us that though things are not now as they should be, they will be, and we can conduct our lives accordingly. Hope encourages belief and dispels unbelief.

Why? Because God said so. That’s why. God said it, I believe it, and that settles it. The forces of evil may rage and roar but God has spoken and His kids are to live accordingly. That’s hope and that is why it is so important to know it, cultivate it, and watch it grow into something of substance in our lives. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13.12) Hope is real, hope is now, and hope will one day be no more – it will all be finished.

Father in Heaven, hope is a promise, a future, and a very present gift to those whose eyes have been enlightened to its presence and glory. My eyes are fixed. My hope is present and one day I won’t need hope because all will be all in Your glorious presence for ever and ever. I will live my life accordingly – amen.

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