Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Impossible Situations


2 Chronicles 20.16 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.’ – Jahaziel the prophet

Last night, my older son and I were watching a sitcom and laughing at the impossibility of the situations the characters were in. I said, Do you know what makes a good sitcom? He shook his head. I said, impossible situations that are easily solved. From the days of Lucy, that has been the mainstay of sitcoms. Situation: impossible; comedy: solutions.

When I read through the Old Testament history of the Kings, it’s often like reading the script for a sitcom except every situation is solved with, and by God. The problem wasn’t God: it was belief. Or, in reality, unbelief. The people of Israel had gotten into the habit of not believing in God. That’s a bad place to be.

Time after time God’s people are faced with frighteningly impossible situations and God faithfully, comes to their rescue. It’d be almost laughable if it wasn’t so tragic. But God comes through for them because He loves them.

It seems I live in a sitcom these days – laughably faced with impossible circumstances. Except I don’t think it’s all that funny. The people in the Old Testament didn’t think it so funny either; they were desperate. That’s what I think it takes: desperation. Maybe some perspiration. And a whole lot of prayer, but not the Genie-in-a-bottle prayer. It takes praising and thanking God for what He is doing and what He has done. That seemed to bail them out every time – how about us?

Jehoshaphat had to be reminded about his attitude: Don’t be afraid or discouraged. Fear and discouragement kill faith. For the battle is the Lord’s. God is the solution to impossible situations. Any other attempt is futile. ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.’

Why impossible situations? Possibly, they are to show us just how weak we are, and how great He is. Maybe it’s that and nothing more. Maybe the impossible is only to show us : “I’m Possible” with God and impossible without Him. Everyone faces adversity and impossibility – God comes to the salvation of those who trust and believe in Him.

Impossible situations ought to awaken within us these thoughts: there is always a solution, there is always a way out – because there is always a God who loves and cares for me. I think the reality of the lessons we learn in impossible situations are invaluable in building our faith and trust in God who would be further away and less real in our minds if there were never any ripples on the pond of life.

Father, like King Jehoshaphat of old, in facing my situation today, I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on You! Amen.

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