Romans 13.11 11 And
do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to
wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we
first believed... – St. Paul
The sixty-four-thousand-dollar question might be: and what is the present time? Paul said
we’re to understand the present time; the days in which we are; and where
God is in those days. I find it interesting what Paul said to the Romans, as he
wrote to them, that they should submit to the governing authorities; this is
Nero and his bunch we’re talking about. Christianity was not popular in either ancient
Rome or Judea. It remains unpopular in much of the world today.
So, Paul said to his readers: do this: understand the times. The times are always the times.
Seasons come and seasons go. We’re fixin’ to have a presidential election in
just a few months – understand the times. Well, what is there to understand?
How about the crumbling of our society? How about
worldliness in much of the modern church? How about Americanism in the American
church? The times, as they always have been, are a-changing, but they’re getting
slowly worse, not better.
On top of all Paul instructed in Romans 12, he said, “and
do this…” Be aware. Be aware of people around us and the fear and uncertainty
that plagues them. Be aware of the comings and goings of governments and the movements
of men. And understand that in all the awareness, there is the salvation of
God. We’re to pay attention and realize that all of what is happening points to
that final Day when Jesus returns and sets things in order for good. For good.
And do this: give
it all over to Him. Jesus grant me the serenity to accept what I can’t
change; change what I can; and wisdom to know which is which. We are here, in
this day, not by accident, but because of divine grace, and the opportunity to
become the friends of God. And do this:
understanding that, do your best to
get to know this God who extends His gracious hand to you with that offer:
And having done that,
do this: look for divine moments. It
is surprising that they are, 1. Not all that hard to recognize, and, 2. There for
our comfort and encouragement to step into relationship with the Best Person
Father, may I heed
Paul’s words and understand the times. Yes, they are a-changin’ but they are
ripe with moments with You. Thank You. May I help others to see them as well
and become friends with You: the Best Person Ever – Amen.
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