Friday, September 5, 2014

Found in Me


Ezekiel 28.15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you.

This has always been something curious to me: how can unrighteousness be found in someone who (apparently) never had it before? It has caused me to pause and wonder. It has caused me to wonder if unrighteousness is a free choice or if it is causal. (Please put 25¢ in the jar.)

I tend to think unrighteousness is the result of choice, but also causal. If the “king” in Ezekiel is who I think he is, then there must have be a choice involved to follow a line of thinking (or feeling) that led him away from God. It seems to be the case here. If one is blameless until something is found then there must be an underlying cause for that to be found. Blamelessness is a pretty big concept in Scripture. Turning on it has titanic proportions as well.

It seems to me that God is in the process of ridding us of unrighteousness and replacing it with blamelessness. It seems God has gone out of His way to show us not only what we’ve lost, but more, what we’re to gain. The story would read for us: You were unrighteous in your ways from the day you were created, till righteousness in Jesus Christ was found in you.

I have seen people walk away from the Church: from their beliefs; from their faith. I have seen some return, and I’ve seen some remained entrenched in the unbelief. I don’t pretend to understand it. All I know is: it happens.

Some will rush to judgment insisting the faller was never saved in the first place. Okay, I get that. But some return – I have seen it in my own experience. They might be judged as confused or naïve at first, or deceived. Now it sounds like we’re splitting hairs. The bottom line is we’re all vulnerable to wrong thinking which can lead to wrong doing. Righteousness is the concern.

One thing is for sure – we weren’t created blameless, but we were created loved; and God has made a way for us to belong, believe, and behave. (Thanks Brad). That way is His way and though I’m not sure what God does with the one who bails; I’m sure of what He does with the one who remains: You were unrighteous in your ways from the day you were created, till righteousness in Jesus Christ was found in you. You belong. You believe. You’ll behave.

Father, it doesn’t take too much to get me to believe how unworthy I am, and have been. What is altogether awesome is You don’t seem to dwell on the unrighteousness issue; but You do dwell on my Way Back to You: my righteousness in Christ. Truly, my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.

Today, I am grateful that despite the failing that manifests itself in me from time to time, I am covered eternally by Your grace in Jesus, and His unfailing love for me. Thank You Father! Thank You that we’re not waiting around for unrighteousness to be found in me, but for this child to continue to grow in grace until that Day when we spend all of the rest of eternity together: Father, and son. All because You knew and loved me enough to do something about it – I praise You God! Amen.

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