Monday, September 1, 2014

Because You Said So


Ezekiel 16.6 6 “And when I passed by you and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’” - God (ESV)

In the annals of timeless history God said: Be! And it was. The heavens and the earth were formed because God said so; in one small word, the Lord said, and it was. The Lord isn’t constrained by financing, contractors, blueprints, materials or anything else; He simply speaks and it comes to be.

God formed (forms) the nations much the same way – all He says is “Be!”, and they are. And you and I are not all that different either: God breaks no sweat when He says about us, “Be!” and we are: ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, two ears; one mouth, one nose.

Life is much more simple than we have learned that it should be. The complexities of life are more of our own making and mindset. We’ve created economies, we’ve developed systems. We speak languages, we have habits, preferences and a whole host of other humanities. But one thing we can’t is speak and have it come to be. There isn’t a one of us one earth who says, “Be!” and it is. It’s not in our job description.

Life, however, is complicated because we are complex beings in our created-ness. With all of what we’ve built, planned, executed, and manufactured, our lives are truly complex. Our feelings and emotions, our thoughts and musings are incomplete in our fallenness; and our ability to process correctly is faulty, corrupted, and incomplete. There still isn’t a one of us who can say: Be! And have it be.

There is One who says, “Live!” and life happens, despite every indicator to the contrary in all our humanness and complexity. There is One who says, “Dream!” and fills our hearts with hope of making a difference in this world so filled with paradox and conundrum  and disappointment. There is One who says, “Love!” and fills our lives with purpose and presence. In our incomplete humanness; He makes us complete and fulfills in us His intention for a life well lived. There is only One who says, “Live!” and we do despite every indicator to the contrary.

For the one who suffers today, the One says “Live!” For the one who is confused and conflicted His word is “Live!” For the one facing what seems to be an impossibility in the very next step, He commands, “Live!” And we do.

The complexity of life abates in the presence of One who commands and it comes to be. The stress is loosened, the angst is eased, and the confusion is daunted. The answer to life is held by belief in the One who sees us wallowing in all of our issues and says: “Live!” and we live. His purpose is to build within us such a trust that will overcome the worst of what we call the worst and enable us to live confidently knowing that the worst of the worst is only a tool in His hand crafting us into the people He’s called us to be: perfect, a pleasure to be around, and full of purpose and untapped potential in Him.

Lord, in the midst of all of what life throws at me, I pray for the understanding of what You said about me in the recesses of eternity past: Live! (I think You may have also said, love, and laugh as well). Father, I am here because You said so and I live today because You said so. Help me to live then for all it is worth and to comfort and help others who may wonder, “what the frack?” this life is all about – Amen.

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