Daniel 9.21 21 …while I was speaking in prayer, the man
Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the first, came to me in swift flight
at the time of the evening sacrifice. – St. Daniel (ESV)
Throughout the Book of Daniel, we see, over and over, how
much prayer was a part of Daniel’s life. Daniel was not only a servant of the
Babylonians, an able administrator, and counselor; but he was also a man of
prayer. And Daniel’s prayers moved heaven. Angels and visions often accompanied
Daniel’s prayers.
During the time of the exile of God’s people there were
those who prayed. Ezekiel was one and so was Daniel. It appears that so was
Mordecai in the Book of Esther. And to those who prayed, they saw heaven move. It
seems every time Daniel prayed, God sent an angel in response. It also seems
that to many who prayed, God often revealed His plans.
In New Testament times, Paul prayed, John prayed, Peter
prayed, and of course, Jesus prayed. There aren’t many days of Bible reading
where we don’t come across an account of someone who prayed. The Psalms are
prayers. If one were to but read pray one Psalm every other day, that’d nearly get one
through the year. A year of prayer.
Daniel lived in difficult times. He was ripped from his
home and sent to dwell in a foreign land full of idolatry and strange beliefs.
And there in that land it appears he had conversations with God about his homeland,
and his people. Daniel influenced kings and rulers, and possibly, for about a
seven-year period of time, kept the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar intact while old
Neb grazed grass like a bull and pooped himself. Throughout his lifetime, Daniel prayed.
Difficult circumstances cause one to pray. Or at least
they ought to. Prayer is an investment. Prayer is work. Prayer becomes a habit.
Or at least it should.
I am challenged in my reading again today, to pray. I am
challenged to pray not only for the sins of my people but also for my own sins.
I don’t know about moving heaven but I do know about my circumstances and I do
know our world is in an increasingly desperate place. We are heading – again –
toward very difficult times. Laws won’t stop them. Congress won’t stop them. A
president won’t stop them. Only God will, and it appears that God will let
things be what they will but calls upon us, His people to pray. That seems to
be congruent with the narrative of the Bible.
Father, I don’t think Daniel ever wrote a book on how to
get an angel to show up when praying. I don’t think he ever thought in those
terms. I think he was very uncomfortable with the way things were and as a
result, he came to You to see what You’d do about it. Daniel was faithful and
he always came to You for answers. Lord, may my life emulate his. Forgive me
for burying my head in the sand, hoping it will all go away. Amen.
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