Friday, July 4, 2014



Hosea 1.7  7 “Yet I will show love to Judah; and I will save them—not by bow, sword or battle, or by horses and horsemen, but I, the Lord their God, will save them.”

Recently, like just yesterday, I came home from a mission’s trip to Nairobi, Kenya; it was one of the most life-changing events I’ve ever experienced. I saw the power and presence of God in a way I never had before, and was totally amazed at the work He is doing in that nation. Kenya is one of the most stable nations in Africa and much good is happening over there.

As I read Hosea’s prophecy today, I was impressed that God didn’t ask Judah, a miserable, unfaithful, misguided, and confused people to save themselves: Okay, if that’s the way you want it, you fix it! No, God didn’t ask them to fix it; He said, “I will save them – not by weaponry or warfare, but I, the Lord their God, will save them…all by Myself!”

My thought and hope on the way to Kenya was not to bring aid or lots of money (I have neither) but, where will I find God in Kenya? I found Him everywhere – on the way over, while I was there, and on the way home. God is saving Kenya and has been doing that for centuries (I know they haven’t always been Kenya, but God has been among those people since there’ve been people there.)

I did a lot of comparing of our cultures while I was there; I compared how Kenya looks to the US and vice versa. I saw advantages and disadvantages on both sides of the fence. I saw industry and hardworking people, and I saw laziness, sloth, and crime. I saw strategic planning and the lack thereof. And I saw lots and lots of folks just trying to get by – the comparisons between them and us were not all that different.

But what I did see there more than anything was this: “…but I, the Lord their God, will save them.” God is doing the work through the Kenyans not only to save their nation but to save His people. That’s just what God does: He uses His people to help and save His people. I have said it once, I’ll say it again: God doesn’t have enough money to fix nations…but He does have His people and His people are in place, mobilized, and equipped.

God had Hosea marry a loose-around-the-edges kind of gal in order to communicate to loose-around-the-edges Judah that when their party of their having it their own way was over and the crushing hangover had set it, He was there to receive them back and to save them. Did everyone make it? No, but some did, and that’s all that matters.

Where are we today? Are we experiencing the presence and promises of God? Are we seeing the wonders of His mighty power in places like Kenya or in our own neighborhood? I saw it in Kenya and I see it in my own land – God is here, He is now, and He is at work doing for us what we can never do for ourselves: saving.

Father, as the processing of what I just experienced continues my prayer is use me to help communicate that You are, in fact, in the business of saving nations and individuals; You are doing for us what we can never do: saving. Thank You. Thank You for a great and memorable trip and thank You that as faithless as we are at times, You never are and You will come for Your own! Amen.

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