Wednesday, July 16, 2014



Isaiah 25.1 1 Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.

Recently a young man I know went on a four-day adventure and when he came home he said the adventure was (I quote) life-changing. Hmmm, life-changing – what does that mean?

The prophet Isaiah was called to call Israel (specifically tribe-nation, Judah) back to faithfulness with God. Isaiah’s assignment was to call out the crimes of the times, the societal sickness that had infected his people and point them back to the Source of their salvation: God Himself. It was a difficult task because, like with us, when you try to tell someone just how badly they’ve missed the mark and the results of their choices are the cause of their calamity – well, they’re usually not too prone to listen. What the (bleep) do you know about me!? If you only knew about me, you’d understand rather than judge me!! Been there. Done that.

But in the midst of all Isaiah went through, there were moments of absolute encouragement because of his faith in God – it was life-changing. It wasn’t just a feel-good; it was God reminding him of the magnitude of His calling and the heavenly joy of at least one hearing and repenting – that’s life-change.

I have been counseled in my life; I have counseled others. The result of counseling may be negligible; but when the Holy Spirit comes along and brings those counseling sessions to the minds of the hearer, well the life-change is remarkable. Isaiah knew what he was saying; knew what he was doing and the proof of that is this: Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.

Say what you will, Isaiah knew God’s heart for his people and knew that despite what was happening in the world around them: Enemies, famin, etc. God hadn’t forgotten about them and hadn’t diminished His love for them not even a smidgen. (Smidgen is true when it’s true.)

Life-change can happen as a result of an adventure. Life-change can happen as a result of a chance meeting, reading an important book, going to a foreign country. But those life changes are more centered on experience and aren’t lasting in the sense of bumping into God’s presence joyfully in the midst of tremendous trial (like trying to tell a recalcitrant nation if they didn’t repent, they were going to be severely treated…) Hmmm, life-change.

Try leading a church; a men’s group, or helping a young person see into his future and counseling him to turn around and follow God. You might as well be trying to tell them to walk to Mars, unless God shows up… and does things in perfect faithfulness planned from long ago.

Father, I ask for Your life-changing help today. I ask not only for me but for my family members in Christ and especially for my other family members. I pray for a divine visitation which will evoke praise from our lips that You Lord, are God; and we can exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. What a prayer for Wednesday. Amen.

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