1 Peter 3.2 2 ...when they see the purity and reverence
of your lives. 1 Peter 3.15 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
I don’t know what it is about Facebook, call me a junkie
I guess; I need an FB fix several times a day. Maybe, I’m the one (or better
the kind of one) they made Facebook
for: I show up.
Usually in the morning, in that groggy, foggy time between
awaken and engage, I sign into Facebook
(and a couple other apps as well) and I read for a few minutes. I check out
most of the new postings until I reach yesterday’s last, then I shut it off and
go on with my day. Coffee required.
So, today I read a post by Jamie The Very Worst
Missionary (I follow her on Facebook – she makes me laugh, cringe, and
think.) She posted a link to the Huff Post about religion. I’m also a junkie for
religion, so I put the link here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cindy-brandt/irreverence-is-the-new-reverent_b_5608381.html?utm_hp_ref=religion
And then, I turn to the Scripture and just happen to read 1 Peter 3 and see the
above … and then I think.
I think there is a Biblical
call to be reverent. I think
there is a call on our lives to respect
God (yea verily, to fear Him); but I
think we need to be careful lest our reverence become some kind of Merit Badge
or ranking amongst the Kids. I know some who are very reverent, and I also know
some who are very good at wearing
Much of life here in the western world is very
irreverent; our culture is, more often than not, very irreverent. We’re
irreverent about all kinds of stuff, not the least of which is God (and
certainly His children, and His Church). The gist of the article is that irreverence
(when representing God) ain’t all that bad and may actually be helpful. I think
the point is, some irreverence on the
part of God’s followers shows that underneath (all the charade) is a real human
evidenced by his willingness to drop the show of religion and just let out a, “Damn
it! That hurt!!” (Can you still be a Christian and say things like that?) Some
might respond, “No you can’t! Damn it!” (Wow.)
Oh yes, 1 Peter 3. Twice in 1 Peter 3 (verses 2 and 15) I
read references to reverence showing the need for it (amidst our plentiful irreverence),
and the beauty of it, which oft sets apart, in a necessary separation, the ain’t’s, from the saints. (If there ain’t
no separation, then who knows who’s who?) Call it a response to a mindset, but
I think we need to make sure there ain’t a baby in that bath water. Whatever we
do, whether word or deed, let's do all for God’s glory. Okay?
Father, my life is a gift from You and when I think about
what You’ve really done, I am truly amazed at what You’ve really done. In my
mind, that calls for reverence. My relationship with You ought to show in my
living with others that: It. Is. Really. Important. My prayer this day is that
I not use reverence as a weapon but as a calling card of Who You are and what
You mean to me. And in the meantime, may the words of my mouth, colorful at
times, and the meditations of my heart (cloudy, with a chance of rain) be
acceptable in Your sight, my Rock and my Redeemer…
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