Saturday, October 26, 2013

That Place


Acts 26.18 18 "' open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’" - Jesus (ESV)

When I was a boy, I was fascinated with the words of Jesus that were printed in red ink in my Bible. Mind you, I never read or studied the Bible until much later in life, but I was fascinated that whole portions of the Scripture (at least in the Bible I owned) were in red ink. Woweth! Thoughtest I, they must be importantneth!! (As a lad, I was also quite fluent in a variant of King James speech because that’s all I ever heardeth in church and in prayers, etc.)

So, this morning I blew the dust off my old zipper-bound KJV Bible and sure enough the words of Christ in Acts 26 are in red ink. I was glad. I thought maybe those words had been forgotten. Those words are important, not because they another set of do’s and don’ts, but because they’re the words of the Lord to someone He’d commissioned as a servant to speak them. And here’s what those words are: live with your eyes wide open in order to quit thinking this life is all there is and that it’s all about you. An enemy has power to hold you, but God has power to set you free from the things that separate you from Him so you can inherit a place among those who believe this message!

I like the part about a place among those who are set apart by faith in Him. There are many things in this old world that give me indigestion and cause wrinkles on my brow. I hate how people treat one another; I hate how I treat others. I hate the fact that most of us, including this former King James speaker, pretend and play the game. I long for truth and accuracy (my OCD cropping up) and I relish the thought of a place among God’s people who are set apart because they believe – they have faith in Him. I’m glad the Bible didn’t open with Book 1, Chapter 1, verse 1 stating: In the beginning God began keeping score

I’m glad there is a place promised to me because I believe. It’s not because of me, but because it’s true. I've come to that place where I accept that truth. I’m coming to that place where I actually act like I believe that truth. But I’ll let my actions speak for my beliefs – that’s what Paul did – he said, “So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.” (Acts 24.16 ) Actions speak way louder than words. And actions reveal where we are in the whole faith-thing.

I've a long way to go – I know that. But I’m motivated by that place Jesus told Paul about and that Paul told those in Acts 26 about. That place is with God and away from the madness, inconsistency, and incompleteness of this life. That place is where there is forgiveness, understanding, and peace filled with the best gift of all: God’s favor all over it. So, red letters or no, I’m there! You?

Father God, there is a place of sanctity and sanctuary in Your presence and it shows up even when others call faith in You just another sect. There is a place where You set apart Your children and promise to love and care for them forever and Lord, warts and all, I’m in that place. And I’m glad. Help me, like Paul, to share about that place and to see others get it that they can live there too! I’m Yours, use me – Amen.

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