Saturday, October 19, 2013

Learning Their Story


Acts 5.28-29 28 And he said to them, “You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation, but God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean. 29 So when I was sent for, I came without objection. I ask then why you sent for me.”

Three weeks ago a man came to our church gathering and spoke about reaching out to others, saying: Don’t judge others, get to know their story.

Judgment is so misunderstood in our culture. We’re told not to judge (i.e. don’t make assessments about other) people, but we do it all the time. We pick and choose who we’re going to hang with or like because of what they look like, what they say, how they act; what they believe. I think when we’re told not to judge what we’re really being told is: pretend not to judge and just don’t get caught.

I have caught myself “assessing” people this week. I have caught myself making judgments on folk because of what they look like, what they say, how they act; what they believe. And today I read about an ancient Jew who was very good at judging – or calling unclean what God had called clean. In Joppa on the roof that day, Peter experienced a massive paradigm shift that caused him to go to Caesarea and go into the house of a Roman and preach the gospel. Something big had happened.

Peter was troubled at his call to go to Caesarea. Peter was troubled that Gentiles came to summon him to Caesarea. Peter troubled about what it all meant. But once Peter heard the story, things changed dramatically: Oh! God told you to call for me!

Like Peter, I have lived as one who follows a set of protocols when it comes to dealing with others. The problem is, the older I get the worser it has become. But God seems to be telling me: Don’t judge others, get to know their story. There is a greater calling upon my life than making assessments. It requires time and courage to get to know others and learn their story.

I’ve caught myself selfishly thinking: let them stew in their own juices. God seems to want them free from their “juices” and God knows the troubles in their lives and wants them to be free from what holds them back from their getting to know Him. And God has called His children to be those who’ll take the time to courageously get to know them and their stories and tell them of a Savior – just like Peter did all those years ago. Peter couldn’t do it by writing them off as “unclean”; nor can we if they don’t meet our standards of who is acceptable and who isn’t.

Father, it’s all about Your presence in the lives of others. They mostly don’t know about You but there is a need for courageous ones to come along and learn their story and pray knowledgeably and see the miracle of the Holy Spirit falling on them and setting them free from their past, their problems, and their people. Today Lord, help me help them. You have no partiality because anyone who fears You and does what is right is acceptable to You. Lord who am I to make assessments? Lead me into the lives of others I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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