Monday, October 28, 2013

Influencing someone about Someone


Job 19.25-27a 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last [He] will stand upon the earth. 26 And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God,
27 whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. (ESV)

Job is perhaps one of the strangest books in the Bible. The story is of a man (not a Jewish man) from Uz (not a part of Israel) and his suffering at the hand of God (Yaweh). I don’t think the theological themes of Job are an issue but the presence of the writing as a whole is strange to me: why would this book appear in the canon of Scripture and not have to do with God’s own? I probably think too much.

Job apparently was influenced by the people of God: the patriarchs if his story is related to their time; or at some other point in history. Ezekiel seems to think he existed and James makes reference to him as well. But here in the midst of a non-Jewish setting with a non-Jewish man we hear these words: For I know that my Redeemer lives... Really? Apparently so.

The fact that the conversation God had with Satan regarding Job is astounding; and more astounding to me is Mr. Job himself said he knew his Redeemer lived. Huh! Who knew?

In Genesis 4.26 it’s written: To Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord. It’s conceivable to me that Job’s people were some of those who called upon the name of the Lord. Job certainly knew something about his Redeemer.

Okay, Paul, your point? God makes Himself known to all mankind – some get it and some don’t; some will see Him and some won’t. And if a Gentile non-descendant of Abraham had faith there’s hope for others who look upon this world and come up wanting. Somehow Job was influenced and convinced his Redeemer lived. I’m not sure if he came to that conclusion because of the Jews (Hebrews) or if there was something else that got him on that track. Bottomline: Job was influenced by someone about Someone.

And that is our job today (yours and mine): influencing someone about Someone. How do they know that there is such a Person as a Redeemer if they don’t see His presence in our lives? How do they know that after they die they will see – in their flesh – they shall see God for themselves? They won’t unless someone influences them. This puts a new (but old and established) spin on how I’m to live my days: I’m representing Him to them so they can come to know Him for themselves.

Him: I know You live and I know You’ve redeemed me. Help me to influence others for Your sake and theirs that they may know You and proclaim in good times and bad: I know my Redeemer lives! And on that day they shall see You in their flesh… Amen.

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