James 3:17-18 17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. NIV
There are substances on earth that are extremely rare. Men spend their entire lives trying to identify those things and hoard them in order to gain riches, power, and control. And James said there is a form of wisdom that is bitterly envious and ambitiously selfish. It’s the fine art of men versus men to see who dies with the most toys, the biggest office, the prettiest wife, or whatever. This form of wisdom is one of the most destructive forces in all the earth for it vaunts self over all else; it is earthly and evil.
Heaven's offer is a wisdom that is pure. It is also peace-loving; it loves seeing others at peace with God. Personal peace with God is the key to global peace among the nations. It is also considerate, submissive, merciful and fruitful. It deals impartially and sincerely. These are rare things among men these days. These things take away from the commodities of bitter envy and selfish ambition; and men love and invest their entire lives jockeying for position out of envy and ambition.
Heaven’s wisdom is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. We humans mostly don’t recognize this because we mostly don’t possess it. And we can only possess it if we get it from Heaven; and we can only access Heaven if we have a Key; and we can only have a Key if God gives us one; and He has in the Person of His Son and in the presence of His Spirit. It’s God’s way or no way.
And you get what you sow: Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. Can you use a little righteousness today? I know I can. Peacemakers are all about peace with God because peace with our enemies is worthless if we have no peace with God. The wisdom of the earth is: conquer or be conquered; kill or be killed. The wisdom of Heaven is: come to know God and by doing so know peace. Know God, know peace; no God, no peace.
Fill my bag today, Lord, with the seed of peace in the presence of Your Spirit that I may see a harvest of righteousness in my world – Amen.
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