Thursday, July 14, 2011

Noticed by God


Hebrews 11:5 5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.

Enoch is one of my favorite Bible people. Enoch must’ve been a shining light of belief to those around him, but more importantly he was a shining light to God. Enoch was commended as one who pleased God. Many try to please God. Cain (Enoch’s ancestor) tried to please God by taking credit for something that only God could do. There are those who go through immense effort to try to get God’s attention by trying to show Him what they’re made of and what they can do. God is only pleased with faith.

Enoch was taken away by God because of one reason: his faith was so pleasing to God that God, in response, noticed him and took him away. Wow! So does that mean God responds to us because of our faith… or lack thereof? The Bible says Enoch, before he was taken, was commended as one who pleased God. You do the math. What has God noticed about you?

I won’t be noticed by God for how often I have my devotions. I won’t be noticed by God for my church attendance or service in the Church. I won’t be noticed by God for my work ethic, intelligence, charm, wit, tact, or poise; I will only be noticed by God for my faith in Him, and my faith in His presence in me. Without faith it is impossible to please God. No sense in trying to manipulate it any other way. God only notices faith and the actions that are both born in faith and borne by faith. Enoch was that kind of person and God noticed.

Father in Heaven,
You notice everything about my life and there is nothing in me, or that’s a part of me, that is unfamiliar to You. So because of that, strengthen my faith. Deepen my faith. Grow my faith, stretch my faith. May my only desire be to please You as one who believes You and does what You command. That is how I am commended. Through Christ, amen.

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