Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just Think ... Then Act


Hebrews 7:4 4 Just think how great he was: Even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder! NIV

Abraham is a pretty important person to the Jews – he is the father of their nation. He’s also pretty important to the Christians – he’s the father of their faith. The writer of Hebrews understood the meanings of things and was very skillful in bringing their importance to light. For instance, he mentions that Abraham, the father of the Jews and the father of the faithful, tithed to Melchizedek. Nowadays we think, “And!?” That’s because we today don’t understand the import that the ancients placed on tithing.

In those days to give a tenth (a tithe) of what you had to someone was a huge deal. It was your approval of who they were and what they stood for. To give taxes to foreign governments, to the Jews, was tantamount (I love that word!) to treason. But to give a tithe, that was a volitional act of complete approval, and submission. No wonder the writer says, “Just think how great [Melchizedek] was…!

I’m reminded today in reading this, to just think about how great God is. I am reminded to just think about how great Jesus Christ really is and what He’s done for the benefit of you and me. Just think about how blessed we are to be called His brothers and fellow-heirs of His glory. And my ‘just thinking’ ought to lead to my just doing as Abraham did: just giving to His cause in the earth today. Today I should stop and think about the magnitude of God’s efforts in the world to bring men unto Himself… and then just get involved!

Speaking for God the prophet Micah asked, “My people, what have I done to you? How have I burdened you? Answer me..." (Micah 6:3) the writer of Hebrews answers, “Just think how great he was: Even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder!” Today is a day of action in response.

Father in Heaven,
As I just think about who You are and what You’ve done, I pray for courage and spiritual strength today to give over all of what bugs me to You and to live faithfully in response to the question Micah asked, and the answer the writer of Hebrews gives. I don’t want You to just help me, what I want is for You to overwhelm me, that I may go today and live like I say I believe… in You and what You’re doing on this earth – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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