Matthew 13:12 12 Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. NIV
Jesus said, “This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.” Though seeing – everything around them. Jesus spoke of seeds and weeds because these were things that were around them all the time and they looked at them but didn’t understand the stories they were telling. They couldn’t; it never occurred to them to ask, “Why?”
Whoever has – has what? Has curiosity and inklings of insight; has eyes to see the stars and ask, why are they there; what are they saying? Who listens to the pounding of the surf and marvels at its power and asks, why, what, how? Whoever has the least interest in the testimony of nature might want to know what’s behind it all. Why are there seeds for food and weeds to hinder?
That day Jesus was by the lake (Galilee) and used natural occurrences all around them to teach them unnatural truths. He pointed out the agricultural process and said it’s like the Kingdom of Heaven – planting, watering, harvesting, and living. He pointed out the industry of fishing; describing netting fish out of water – keeping the good ones, and throwing out the bad. Why good; why bad? What does it all mean? Who says there is good and bad?
God created us and placed us on this earth not so that we would close our minds to Him but that through nature and industry we would get the point and somehow seek after Him. But most of us are numb. Most of us are dumb. And most of us succumb to the lowest common denominator and end up like those to whom Christ shared parables: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.” Not only did God create and place, but He woos us to come to know Him in His almightiness; His infinite power, and eternal presence.
I must live with the eyes of my soul wide open. I must look and see and use what’s around me to share Christ with others. I must never forget the reason that God put me here and what I’m to do with that knowledge. It’s not seeds and weeds – it’s the stories they tell.
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