Friday, April 22, 2011

Honed Skill


1 Samuel 25.18 18 Abigail lost no time. NIV

The girl was on a mission – she knew her husband Nabal had insulted David and she knew David was coming to get revenge. Abigail was no dummy – she’d seen this kind of behavior before from Nabal who was well-known for his curmudgeonly bad manners. And because she had the ability to see the big picture, she lost no time in doing what was necessary to intervene on her family’s behalf, knowing that an insult of this magnitude would not be left alone.

There are few miracles mentioned in the Bible during the times of the judges and the kings. But that doesn’t mean God wasn’t active in the lives of His people because there are recorded prayers and God’s answers to these prayers. During the times of the kings the role of government in Israel shifted away from the priests over to the kings. During the times of the kings the nation of Israel became more secular – but that doesn’t mean God wasn’t involved; He was helping the nation through the lives of people...

We can read a lot into the story of Abigail, Nabal, and David; it seems to be an isolated incident. But God was at work in the lives of all three characters in this account, as well as in the lives of all those surrounding it. Nothing ever really takes place in a vacuum or in a bubble. And God is still at work in the lives of people today.

Abigail was a woman of wisdom and insight – a gift that Nabal probably never understood or appreciated; and probably took for granted. Ironically, God paired wise Abigail with foolish Nabal; and under Nabal’s foolish, brash and uncouth lifestyle, Abigail’s skills as a ‘fire-fighter’ were honed. Not only are no incidents in life isolated; God also knows what He’s doing – putting the right people in the right place at the right time to do in and for them what their circumstances will teach them. Abigail lived with a loose cannon, and whenever one does, one eventually learns how to deal with them; often quickly and efficiently.

I must never underestimate the circumstances in my life and the people God has placed around me. They are His gifts to me to help hone skills in me that I don’t readily recognize as necessary, but someday may be. They are indescribably valuable to teach me what I need to learn for some future event or season.

Thank You God!

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