Matthew 10:19 19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. NIV
God’s people will be arrested – either by the force of law, for there will come a time in our own country where it will be against the law to speak the Gospel; or through the force of persecutions – the people of our nation are becoming increasingly hostile to the Gospel. Jesus makes a point to let us know what’s coming. But, He says, when you are opposed, don’t worry about how you’ll respond; neither in what is said, or how it is said. There is power in the Gospel, and Jesus assures us that the Holy Spirit will do all the talking (vvs. 19b-20).
As a public speaker, I am usually concerned with what I say and how I'll say it. I want to make sure I communicate clearly, correctly, and concisely. But I’d be the first one to admit that I can always learn to do it better and as much as criticism bugs me, I do learn from it – even if it’s only to avoid further criticism; such is the shallow male mind…
But think about it – getting arrested is going to be at the very least irritating and uncomfortable; the last thing I’ll probably be thinking of is presentation. Stephen, the first martyr (cf. Acts 6-7), said some things that were probably even surprising to him when he was viciously arrested by the Freedmen (oh, the irony!) for preaching the Good News. You and I may experience the same thing.
Dialogue is important but sometimes it’s hard to quell the emotion welling up inside when those we’re talking to are just plain stubborn and pig-headed about their point of view and launch into ridiculing us at ours. We might even be arrested by those who merely wish to taunt us, make fun of us, and attempt to goad us into losing it… it could happen… Don’t worry, said Jesus, keep your eyes focused on the truth and let Me do all the talking.
Fair enough, Lord; just help me to keep my point of view pointed in the right direction – amen.
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