Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Whose Sake is at Stake


Ezekiel 36:22 22 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord God: It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am about to act, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations to which you came. ESV

Whose sake is at stake? That’s probably a multi-faceted question with no easy answer but really, the bottom line is it’s the Lord’s. Now we must bear in mind that God doesn’t ever lose – ever. God’s purposes are always accomplished and always meet His will – in whatever God does He always succeeds. That’s why it is not for our sake that He acts, but for His own. His sake is at stake and His ways are perfectly good all the time…

Sadly, I often think it’s all about me until I read a passage like Ezekiel 36 and see that God is doing what He does with no regard for my opinion. That doesn’t mean He doesn’t love me; that doesn’t mean He doesn’t care for me - it just means that He is God and I am not; He is in complete control and I am not; and whatever happens, whether I consider it good or bad, is all in His hands and not mine and He will do whatever for the sake of His Name: God. And His Name is Love.

So in response, I submit to God. I submit and I trust and attempt to line my life up with His ways so that I may be a beneficiary of His holy Name. God’s purpose is to perfect His life in me – the least I can do is cooperate.

Father in Heaven,
It is for Your sake and I am just a recipient of your sake. Were it not for Your sake I would not be. But it is and I am and I am glad. Help me to respond properly because I am so inappropriate always. Help me to worship You and trust You and live out my days for Your sake – amen.

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