Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Loose Eyes Tell Lies


Revelation 13:10 10 If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

During World War II a saying was made known: loose lips sink ships. There was a cultural acceptance of the importance of national security in the United States and people were cautioned to keep quiet about their husbands or sons who served, when and where, in the armed forces for fear that enemy spies might hear and use such information to thwart the US war effort.

Today, in my reading I thought, loose eyes tell lies. In Jeremiah 42-44 the Jews approached Jeremiah to seek God for them to tell them what they were to do since their capital city, Jerusalem, had fallen (Jer. 42.3-6). They couldn’t envision staying in Judea where they had nothing; all they could see was the opportunity for revenge by linking up with the Pharaoh of Egypt and his power in retaliation against the king of Babylon. Their eyes were not on the Lord; they were set on getting their own back. Loose eyes tell lies.

In Revelation 13, the world goes gaga over the Beast (13.3). What other choice do they have – loose eyes tell lies. Today, a pastor in Florida wants to publically burn the Koran as a symbol of his anger and angst over the spread of Islam in the world. The furor he’s unleashed for the sake of religious freedom. Loose eyes tell lies. Endurance and faith are born by what we’re focused on.

O God, may my eyes be riveted to You. May my heart be welded to Yours. May I love as You love, and do as You do! Let me not have loose eyes but keep them fixed upon Your glory, goodness and purposes in this world. Give me wisdom to stay where You say, and to do as You say. Help me God; loose eyes convince me of lies, and I don’t want that! Amen.

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