Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thy Kingdom Come


Daniel 2:28 28 but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days. ESV

There are those who are all concerned about the future. As a matter of fact, they are so concerned about the future that they forget about living in the present. Likewise there are those who cannot escape the past, and today passes them by because yesterday is so big to them. And then there are those who have something to lose. I think Nebuchadnezzar was one of these.

Freedom’s just another word for nuthin’ left to lose. And when we give God all of our all then we have nothing left to lose. And God’s freedom is richer and greater than anything else because by it we are freed to enjoy God in all of His glory forever with nothing standing in the way. You can’t enjoy God fully if you’ve still got something to lose; holding on to hindrances hampers faith.

My life is not (and will not be) measured by how much stuff I have. My life is not measured by what I think of myself. My life is measured and will be measured by my knowledge of and service to the King of Heaven. My life will be measured by my faith in God and what I do with that faith. Empires are for the emperors; ambitions for the ambitious; kingdoms are for kings; I am to devote my days solely and wholly to the Kingdom of God that I may enjoy it becoming more and more free, in order to enjoy it more and more.

Father in Heaven,
Yours is the Kingdom, power, and glory; may I never forget that. May I also never forget that the greater Your Kingdom, the greater my need for freedom to enjoy it freely. Help me God to give over that which impedes my enjoyment and involvement in Your Kingdom and all that it represents. May I stick with You no matter what living in and enjoying the moment – I pray in Your Name, amen.

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