Thursday, September 30, 2010
Stolen Hearts
Luke 13:14 14 But the ruler of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, said to the people, “There are six days in which work ought to be done. Come on those days and be healed, and not on the Sabbath day.” ESV
The question I have is, what is work? Is it work to give a sick child some Tylenol to ease his fever? Is it work to stop alongside the road and help someone change a flat tire? What is work?
It seems the Israelites were damned because they neglected the Sabbath and then they were damned because they abused it. What is wrong with these people!? Their problem wasn’t their lack of religion – their problem was their lack of heart; their religion had stolen their hearts. It’s truly maddening to really need something from the store and make your way down there only to find it’s closed. Ministering to people may take our time and our resources but it should never take away our compassion – when it does we have relegated love down to work and ought to go do something else until our love comes back.
I get angry at the ruler of the synagogue because he’s caught up in a system that took away his heart. The day he really struggled in sickness and misery and really needed simple ministry of a loving embrace to ease his pain was probably a Sabbath day and he was out of luck. Maybe his heart’s attitude toward work changed that day…
I must guard my heart and my thoughts and my attitudes. That is easier said than done because often I find I am caught up in a system that operates at the expense of other’s needs. But just because that is doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to remember that in all I do, it ought to be in love as to the Lord – if my heart isn’t in it, I’m only fooling myself.
Father in Heaven,
Thank You that Your heart didn’t go on vacation when You decided to redeem Your people; You are always loving and compassionate. I pray for love and compassion and a right heart today to treat others the way I wish to be treated; and in all I do, to do it all in love, with all of my heart, as unto to You. Amen.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Simplify – Reduce
Luke 12:31 31 Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. ESV
Luke recorded this a little different than Matthew did – Luke recorded Jesus saying, “Instead, seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” Matthew records, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Mt 6:33) So whether it is first or at all, seek God; because the sum of our life will be measured in the effort we put into our seeking Him, not in how much stuff we own.
I think, here in the Land o' Plenty, we delude ourselves like the rich fool who tore down his old barns and built new ones that were bigger and better to house all of his ever-growing pile of stuff. I don’t think he owned his stuff, it owned him because it dictated to him how he should live and how he would spend his time and resources: bigger buildings, more storage. Sounds American if you ask me…
I got stuff. I got so much stuff I think sometimes it has me. When I read these words, I think simplify. I think reduce. I think, Lord help me! And I don’t even own a boat, or an RV, or a four-wheeler… but I got stuff and for many years now I’ve believed that the more stuff I had the happier I’d be. I think it’s time to go through the stuff again and see what it is I think is so important that I can’t part with it.
Father in Heaven,
Life is about seeking You not heaping up piles of stuff. Life is about seeking You not eating, drinking, and being merry. Life is about learning lessons, not running from them, denying them, and hiding them with distractions. Lord, may I pay attention to You and focus my gaze on eternal things. Father, help me to strategically simplify that I may be more free to seek You with my time, my talents, and my treasures. Amen.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Best Soap Ever
Luke 11:41 41 But give as alms those things that are within, and behold, everything is clean for you. ESV
The indictment against the Pharisees was they kept the rules at the expense of people's needs; the rules prevented them from being generous and good. They were more concerned about the cleanliness of a dish than they were about people’s lives and ministering to them in their need with the love of God.
Right relationship is true religion. Goodness and generosity are true religion. Caring for others with whatever means we have is true religion that pleases God. Jesus said that the way to be truly clean is not cleaning dishes but sharing with others out of the goodness of one’s heart. It is true that clean dishes are important but I think the Lord meant that they should be clean when serving the needs of the poor. And I should clean them before using them and after so that those who eat from them as I serve them may be honored because I do.
When my focus is only on the dishes then it cannot be upon the heart. Rightly relating to others to care for them and to serve their needs before God is true religion. Helping others to come to know and love the goodness of God is true religion and something worth pursuing. Cleanliness is next to godliness but only when cleanliness benefits someone else.
God has put many things in me in the form of time, love, friendliness, compassion, and the like. These are things that are to be given away to others so that I may accomplish the will of God. I must always keep the needs of others in my focus that I may serve God in cleanliness as a result. The best soap ever is serving the needs of others.
Father in Heaven,
Through Jesus, You’ve put things in me that are to be given away; help me to do that today. May I be filled with Your Spirit to focus on the needs of others and to give away what You’ve given me – in Jesus’ Name, amen.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Situational Compassion
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Afraid of God
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Finished Work
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Thousand Days on Kauai
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Name-Saying and Game-Playing
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Greatly Loved
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hoarding Jesus
Monday, September 20, 2010
My Earthly Perspective
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Bureaucratic Whim?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Lame Excuses
Friday, September 17, 2010
Someone Has To
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Relax and Rejoice
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Punitive and Therapeutic
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Whose Sake is at Stake
Monday, September 13, 2010
No Matter What I Think
Ezekiel 33.12"And you, son of man, say to your people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him when he transgresses, and as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall by it when he turns from his wickedness, and the righteous shall not be able to live by his righteousness when he sins. ESV
It's not what we think we are, but what we are. Many people want to think that salvation is up to them and the way they behave. And they think that if they just do the right thing all the time that everything will be okay. Here God says to Ezekiel, that ain't so! The implication of the statement above is that just doing the right thing will cover all the bases; but it won't when that breaks down - and it always breaks down; that's the sinfulness of sin…
It's not what we think we are but who we are that matters; we won't get off for good behavior. It's what's in the heart that matters. I cannot fool God - I might fool you, but I cannot fool God. But that is why I need God and why my salvation is based on what He does and not what I do. His salvation is a gift that I cannot procure for myself no matter how hard I try - I can only get salvation from Him - its His free gift. And I am made righteous not by myself and adhering to the rules but by placing my faith in His finished work - again, something I cannot do…
My righteousness will not save me - only God will save me and only He can do it; nothing else can - no matter what I think.
Father in Heaven,
Thank You that it is only by Your gift that I am saved - there's no other way that it can happen. May I live led by and filled with Your Spirit and accept that my righteousness no matter how good is not good enough to get the job done - I praise You in Jesus' Name, amen.