Saturday, April 17, 2010

Safe Other Person


1 Samuel 18b "And [David] and Samuel went and lived at Naioth." ESV

When Saul lost it, David went to Samuel and stayed with him for a while. During times of trouble, uncertainty, and adversity, it’s really a blessing to be able to hang out with someone who can provide some wise perspective on the situation; it seems that Samuel was that person to David when David was fleeing from Saul. David had already been anointed by Samuel as Israel’s next king and so it’s fitting that David went to see him to ask, “Hey, man, what’s going on!?”

There are many folks in this life who think one thing and experience another and are asking the question, “Hey, God, what’s going on!?” Personally, I know I need perspective in my days and I know there are others who need it as well. When I read this today, I thought about being in the place of serving someone just by listening and then maybe offering a point of perspective to help them to remember that God is in control, and He’s not forgotten about them. I know I need it, so why shouldn’t/couldn’t I be that person for someone else?

Today, I will watch with compassion and empathy that I may offer an ear if called upon to do so, or if I recognize the need – I think it’s the right thing to do and I think God has called us to be that safe other person for those who are hurting and confused, and need a little prayer and perspective.

Father in Heaven,
How gracious You were to provide Samuel for David. Both men were mistrusted by Saul and You allowed David to go to school in Samuel’s wisdom for a while. I think about the times You have provided those safe other people for me and I pray that even today You might employ me to be that for someone who needs to vent or rant or see things in a different light. Equip me and help me by the Holy Spirit to be that person – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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