Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No Country for Old Men


1 Samuel 2:32 32 Then in distress you will look with envious eye on all the prosperity that shall be bestowed on Israel, and there shall not be an old man in your house forever. ESV

An overlooked word in our day is legacy. What will be the end of our end? Who will carry on when we pass? How long will the church be the church and reach out to the lost? What will be our legacy? These were important things in the days of 1 Samuel. It was important back then to be a contributing member of society and so sons and daughters were raised in the mentality of who they were, to whom they belonged, and what impact they would leave on society – that was legacy. They would live, have a positive impact with their lives, grow old to be thanked with honor, and die with dignity. At least the ones who followed the Lord would…

To those who didn’t? “…there shall no be an old man in your house forever.” They would die young. Life was something to be lived for God and for the nation; not to be lost in one’s youth – that was unthinkable!

Part of my responsibility these days is to have interaction with my children and continue to try to persuade them how to live and show them what will be the legacy of their living. But that means I am to live life so that they may see how and what it is I do with the life I have, and the relationship I have with God, and men. My living for the Lord is to be an example to them that we all may leave a legacy of godliness in our society which is rapidly becoming no country for old men…

Father in Heaven,
You called the ancients and now the presents to live with legacy in mind and to ask, “what will be the gift I leave to my fellow man after I’m gone?” Lord may my life be that of godly legacy and enduring faith. Thank You for Your calling and for the importance of living a life worth sharing – and remembering – through Jesus Christ; in His Name, amen.

1 comment:

ken said...

Powerful stuff. We all have a legacy, we don't all have a good legacy. This is a call to me to start living intentionally to leave a legacy for the Lord, rather than haphazardly just going through life hoping something good comes out of it in the end.