Wednesday, April 21, 2010



Matthew 8:13 13 And to the centurion Jesus said, “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that very moment. ESV

Jesus’ response to the centurion is important for me because I am believing God for some big things in my life. I need a buyer for this house of ours or the income to make it work; I'm believing God for that. I'm believing God for a work-schedule that is more predictable than the one I currently have so that I can reconnect with a local church and serve God’s people there. I am believing God for a month off with pay each year to serve at a youth camp and influence the lives of Jr. High and High school kids. I’m also believing God for a trip to Africa to visit with and encourage some missionary friends. These all are things I have laid out before the Lord. I’m believing for both big things and little, because if they are going to happen, the Lord is going to make it so. And if they don’t? Well, I’m believing Him for whatever He has in store for me.

Jesus told the guy, “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” The guy believed if anyone could get the job done it would only be God and that was precisely what Jesus came to tell the Jews who’d forsaken God…

Father in Heaven,
I am encouraged and helped this day because whether or not I see it, You are working in my life to get me to where You need me to be – spiritually, mentally and physically. I trust You and am asking You for things that I believe will enhance my effectiveness and help in the lives of others for the Cause of Christ – in Whose Name I believe, and pray! Amen.

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