Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gave Glory


Revelation 11:13 13 And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven. New American Standard Bible

John records that at the time of the judgments of God against the earth that there will be a massive earthquake in Jerusalem and 7000 people will lose their lives and the survivors will give glory to God. They won’t give glory to God and repent, but they’ll be forced to acknowledge God’s presence and power.

Most of us today have witnessed or heard of massive earthquakes that kill thousands and cause untold devastation. Earthquakes seem to be God’s signature stroke throughout the centuries and in the Scripture. When Jesus was crucified Matthew records that the earth shook, the veil of the Temple was torn in two, and the graves of many saints were opened. (I wonder what the Chief Priests thought about that.)

What will it take to get men to believe? Death and destruction may cause some to see. The loss of employment and income, or the loss of a loved one may cause others to see. Some will look at the hopelessness of man and his machinations and come to the conclusion that there has to be something more. But the bottom line is that ‘they’ have to want to believe. They have to despair of who, what, and where they are and cry out to God. And perhaps God in His mercy will hear and respond and grant to them the understanding that all roads lead to Christ but only One Road leads to God: His Son Jesus Christ.

Father in Heaven,
You have proclaimed that man can have his way or he can have Your way; the choice is simple. I pray for effectiveness in proclaiming the truth that some may hear, believe and be saved before they are forced to acknowledge Your presence and power through some cataclysmic event. Help me to walk in the light and share the truth today – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

1 comment:

Big Poppa said...

Paul, good words. Things are starting to settle down here at home. We'll get together maybe next week. You've been on my mind as I think about you moving from Baker. My selfish side says "don't do it!", but I know that it is all in God's hands. I treasure your friendship and know that I will have to grieve some of that if you move. Okay, 'nuff self pity. Keep sending out the good words.
