Thursday, September 10, 2009

Knowledge and Faith


Revelation 15:8 8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power; and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished. New American Standard Bible

Somewhere in our universe or the realm next door, is a Temple. I don’t know where it is or what it’s for, but God does and that is all that matters.

Like many, I was raised to believe in a thing called, “Science” or knowledge (at the discovery of men). Knowledge mocks the existence of the Temple in heaven and mocks heaven itself because knowledge throws down the challenge, “Prove yourself!” and reaches the conclusion that without proof, the Temple doesn’t (yea, cannot) exist. Knowledge rejects faith and ridicules those who claim to have it.

As I read this morning, I wondered about the Temple in heaven and thepurpose it serves and though I don’t understand it, I accept it by faith knowing that whether I see it or not, it is and it is very much a part of the culture of Heaven.

Faith doesn’t reject knowledge but faith doesn’t prove itself either. Faith is accepting God as He is and not as we want Him to be. Faith accepts the Temple and heaven and doesn’t try to prove its whereabouts. If the Scripture proclaims there is a temple then so be it; my faith is built upon my understanding that God has made Himself known to me and what He reveals I may not be able to prove or understand, but I am by Him, able to accept.

Father in Heaven,
You are unsearchable and unexplainable in Who You are but You claim to love us and have expressed a desire to save us from the wrath to come – another thing that man cannot prove, understand, or accept because he lives in darkness. You have called me into the light and I pray for opportunities to share You with other dark-dwellers. Science doesn’t save – You do, and You do through Jesus Christ and it is in His Name I pray, amen.

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