Monday, September 28, 2009

The Light of Darkness


Luke 11:35 35 “Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness.”
New American Standard Bible

There are two kinds of light: the light of truth and the light of error. One is passive, the other quite aggressive. One leads to life, the other leads to death. There are many who live in the light of darkness. Their reasoning is faulty and their thoughts are confused. Chesterton said something like this: to deny the existence of God is not belief in nothing, it’s belief in anything. The man who thinks he is smart enough to outwit God has already been outwitted by Satan.

Part of my responsibility as a child of God is to faithfully, carefully and obediently read and study the Bible and do what it says. It’s not optional; it’s required; it’s the difference between life and death. Both Jesus and James say it’s foolish and futile to read the Word and not obey it; to do that leads to the light of darkness; the light of darkness is a dangerous place – it’s a place of believing in anything.

The Word of God rips me apart and does violence to the complacency and error that is so prevalent in my life. It’s supposed to. I am to come away from the Word wounded and bloodied that I may reject the light of darkness and live in the light of Light. For my King is the King of Light, and He and all His servants dwell in Truth.

Father in Heaven,
You are the King of Light and You live in Light. I pray to walk in the Light as You are in the Light that we may have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus may cleanse me from all sin and error. Father, You have turned on the light in my life and may it grow brighter and brighter as I read and heed Your word – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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