Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Serve the Truth


2 Thessalonians 2.9-10 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. – St. Paul

The lawless one will be one who has no regard for God, or God’s people. He will show up on the scene with convincing evidence which will be appealing, and compelling to what it is he is peddling. He will use things that serve the lie he is foisting.

At first, when I read this, I thought: Hmmm, serving the lie. First I don’t think I’d ever read that, that way; and second I thought about how many times in our day, someone uses something to serve the lie they are promoting. Lying isn’t always the easiest thing to discover. We know what we you want to hear, so we say what we want you to hear. And we use whatever is at our disposal to serve our lie.

Nowadays we have abundant information. It’s everywhere. News media, the internet, Facebook: they all are sources of information. And misinformation. And Disinformation. And, it’s becoming more apparent that we’ll use whatever we can to undergird our agenda to further its cause. Whatever serves the lie is what is used.

The election that just took place is evidence of at least this: some will use whatever means necessary to sell their point of view and to gain the coveted power of ruling authority. It is far easier to control people than it is to reason with them. Dumb them down and tell them what they want to hear and the path is already paved to make them do whatever you want.

Which is why we in the Church need each other; and that we need to know who we are, why we are, and what we are to be about. God has called us to the truth. And the truth God calls us to is not about the world, but about Him and His Kingdom. The quickest way to uncover a lie, is to look simply at its focus: earth, or heaven. Whatever is said about the earth and its future and promise are lies that distract from the truth about Heaven and her King: the Savior Who came to divert us from earth. Whatever promotes human potential is a lie. Whatever excludes God from the conversation is a lie.

In the Church we need to keep each other from what serves the lie that we only need God for certain things at certain times. We must help each other remember that without Him in everything always, we can do nothing, ever. We must conduct ourselves and encourage one another to live in a way that serves the truth. The truth is God created all of this to serve Himself and to serve us so that we can know Him forever. Present earth is secondary to Heaven, and a new earth is coming.

We live in dangerous days. We need each other to serve the truth. We need each other to serve God. And we need each other to stir up love and good deeds and so much the more as we see the day approaching.

Father, may Your Good Spirit lead me on level ground to do Your will and to serve Your truth. You have told me, I will all serve something. Help me to serve the good and to help save some in the process. Amen

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