Saturday, November 19, 2016

In How I See It


Matthew 4.4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’" – St. Matthew

It is one thing to see things one way, it is quite another to see them another. The challenge levied at Jesus was this: If You are, then… In other words, since it says, then you ought. I think that is a universal given. The devil himself knew certain things, but only saw them one way. Jesus knew all things and then challenged His tempter to see things correctly – I [don’t] live on food (bread) alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Which would we rather: a full belly, or the presence and fullness of truth?

Many know of God but they don’t necessarily know God – they only see Him as they are, not as He is. After forty days of fasting, one ought to be hungry, but the end of the fast is to be full of God (if that is Who one is seeking) not to seek the next meal. Fasting is the abstention of food for the gaining of wisdom and understanding, in order to live and obey.

As human, Jesus was hungry, but the end of His fast wasn’t just to gain a meal, it was to gain an even deeper sense of the power and presence of God. Withstanding food (in the proper way) might possibly be the mightiest weapon at our disposal in the fight again one who would bid: eat for crying out loud; take care of yourself; aren’t you hungry!?

The problem with the enemy, his minions; and many of us, is we’re tremendously limited in our appropriation of spiritual discipline. There is no seeking God in the motives and actions of the devil. There is a need for fullness, but fullness is more than what goes into and comes out of the body. It’s about what goes into, and transforms the life of the one who believes. Forever.

Jesus said to His detractors: “You are in error because you don’t know the Scripture or the power of God.” (Matthew 22.29) – you think it’s about food – it’s about what God desires we become.

How are Scripture, and the words of God changing us – for the better, or only for a full stomach? We must view our blessings carefully.

Sadly, I am often guilty of merely seeking a full stomach; only seeing things the way I want to see them. But God continues to tug at my heart to see things the way He sees them: and that requires more from me than trying to turn my rocks into bread so that I can be temporarily filled with that which only aids the body for a moment; and then, several hours later, I have to do again… it’s all in how I see it.

The devil is only ever concerned about himself. The true believer, modeled by Jesus Christ, is only, always, concerned about God. God is first, food is optional.

Father, may I continue to learn about the true nutritional benefit of Your word and Your words. May I learn to quit seeking that which only concerns me, and give myself always to what concerns You and Your will for Your people and their lives. Fill me God with only that which satisfies true hunger and transforms my life forever – amen.

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