James 2.18 18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I
have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by
my deeds. – St. James
I almost think old James got his words mixed up – he might’ve
wanted to say, I have deeds, show me your
faith. If this is an objection, then faith must be accompanied with deeds.
There has to be some visible action that goes along with faith. That is his
I wasn’t there ,and I can see what was inside his head,
but I think we have inferred that James was making his case against the one who
seemed to think that faith is simply belief – all mental – and no action. So, this all boils down to visible belief.
Does what I do underscore what I believe? I think James
was making that case although I think his wording might've been a little off. The
argument in his epistle is for authenticity in the faith; favoritism is wrong
in the light of love your neighbor as yourself. Certainly there are those in
this life that we prefer, but there is no place for preference (in that light)
among God’s people. If there is then where and who is our neighbor?
So, the test for James was: if you claim to have faith
but cannot back it up with action, what is your faith really made of? Just head
knowledge? And he said, the demons believe, but they sure don’t obey. Faith
without action is dead.
I think he should’ve said: I have deeds, but you claim
faith. Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by my
deeds. The point is authenticity. If out of our mouth proclaims to be faith,
then out of our life ought to be acts of kindness and love; the physical meeting
of the needs of others. True religion, says James, is to care for widows
and orphans in their need. That’s faith.
We do because we love. We love because we are loved. Our
faith is simply belief in action (with actions). That, I think is the lesson
James is trying to teach: get out there and do something that shows your faith…in
It is said, that St. Francis of Assissi said, Go into all the world and preach the gospel;
if necessary use words. I think he got the lesson. I am to serve others
with my life, in action, because that is the sum of my faith in Him who’s done
so much for me.
Father, fill my life with action today. Show me where and
how to serve and my I love my neighbor as myself – amen.
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