Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Perfect Work


James 1.4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. – St. James

Perseverance – that blessed ability to keep on keeping on. Perseverance – the effort that makes one say: a year from now I’ll be glad I started today. Perseverance – the attitude that helps me keep what is really important, in focus. Perseverance – the investment that pays a yield of maturity and completion.

A friend of mine came into my office one day and wrote W.A.S.W.G.W.D. on my whiteboard. Of course I asked, Okay, I’ll bite. He replied: Wait and see what God will do. That, friends, is perseverance. It’s the mindset that no matter what happens, God is up to something, and what He does will be nothing short of mind-blowing. That is the God we serve.

The majority mentality seems to be, God is short on effort and production. Statements like, I prayed and nothing happened, seem to be the norm. But God is no genie – He doesn’t act like we want Him to because He doesn’t grant us our three wishes and then let us be. We like to think He is a genie, but that is just unbelief in who He really is, and what He really does for those He loves.

For just a moment, stop and think about what you’re facing. No, really, stop, quit reading, and think about what you’re facing. Got it? Okay. Now imagine there is no God involved. Imagine you’ve got to face, whatever it is, all on your own. Now return to reality and remember God is on your side and He is with you in whatever it is – or rather, you are with Him in whatever it is…

James said trials and tests cause us to do one of two things: either we stick it out with God – or we go it alone. W.A.S.W.G.W.D. The choice is ours to keep on keeping on, or to the heavy-lifting ourselves. Perseverance builds trust and keeps us positively focused on our relationship with God, not necessarily what He will do, or not do, on our behalf. God is no genie.

For just another moment, stop and think of where you’d like your relationship to go with God. Do you want it to be deeper and more intimate; or do you think God is better when He’s kept at a safe distance? God is infinite; never-ending. We are finite but we’ve been invited to enjoy Him in eternity. Words fail at how big, or lasting, eternity really is. Putting descriptors of time and space on eternity do it a disservice. Eternity is where God is and where He desires us to be, with Him, as well.

Eternity, is outside the realm of whatever it is we’re facing. And in eternity, none of what we’re facing today will matter. Only this will be important: we somehow let our issues push us into deeper relationship with God. We matured. We stuck it out – and we won the prize: God Himself.

Father, may I sing Your praises like a little song-bird today.  May I praise You for what I am facing, and that You are right there with me. May I praise You for what You’re doing to build perseverance into me; for that is my only hope: that You and I stick it out, together, forever. Thank You. Bless You. Lead me in the way Eternal. Amen.

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