Thursday, April 28, 2016

What Kind of Faith


Matthew 15.27 27 Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” – a Canaanite woman

One day Jesus and His men encountered a Canaanite woman – she was from the region of Tyre and Sidon – she was probably from a pagan culture and a descendant of the Philistines (the ancient enemies of Israel).

The woman kept crying out to Jesus to help he because her daughter was demon possessed. But Jesus ignored her for quite some time. His disciples apparently, irritated, whined, Do something! So, Jesus did: He told the woman, I don’t deal with foreigners. That was just the opening the woman was looking for.

Jesus told her: It’s not right to take the children’s food and throw it to dogs. Undeterred the woman answered: True, but at least the dogs get the crumbs that fall from the table. Jesus marveled at her response. He commended her for her faith and sent her away where she would find her daughter restored.

It wasn’t that Jesus was going to send her away; apparently, He just tested her to see where her heart was. God never slams the door on the seeker whose heart is toward Him. God will respond to anyone who comes to Him in faith. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved… (Romans 10.10) I don’t know that the woman got saved but she did get what she wanted from the Lord and it was her faith that go it.

I believe that God tests the hearts of mankind to see what will come out. God knows we are all broken and fallen and even the best of us harbor the worst within us. But that doesn’t mean the worst always comes out. Sometimes in our thoughts and words comes a faith that gets God’s attention. Usually the desperate have such a hunger and thirst for God. Nowadays, we don’t seem to be that desperate.

Two things happened with Jesus that day: His disciples were yet again, amazed and humbled at what the Lord; did and the woman went away happy and justified that she’d put her faith in the right place. Jesus was building the faith of His men by pointing out the faith of a foreigner – possibly a pagan at that.

How will I respond in faith today? Because you know (I sure do) I will be tested in what I do and where I am. Anyone who belongs to God will experience it at some point today. Jesus said, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” Will I exercise such faith?

Where will I place my faith today? What kind will it be?

Father, You look at the heart. You look at the person and determine where their faith really is; and what kind of faith they really have. Find my faith only in You, and find my faith firm, strong, and fixed. Find me weak in my own strength and strong in Yours. Let me hear those words: You have great faith! I believe in You!  - amen.

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