Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Book


1 Chronicles 9.1 All Israel was listed in the genealogies recorded in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah. They were taken captive to Babylon because of their unfaithfulness

Of all the things on the Ballot this fall here in Baker County, is a measure to raise funds to save our local Library. I saw the sign this morning and asked myself: who goes to the Library anymore? I know, I’m such a pedestrian; I use Google, Kindle; and I have a tablet, a Surface, a laptop, and a Galaxy S6 (there’s no hope…).

I thought about all the books in the library and I thought, maybe they’ll do one of those sales where they sell off books that no one checks out anymore and I’ll find a book or two that I need to add to my sizeable collection of books that I never read – as I said, there is no hope.

And everyday someone publishes more books. St John’s parting shot was this: Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. (John 21.25 NIV) “…The paper holds their folded faces to the floor and every day the paper boy brings more.” *

The ancient Jews were big into books. Their books contained histories and genealogies. Those were important things to them – they had a healthy interest in remembering who they were. I find it interesting that of all the mediums our God chose to communicate the truth about Himself, He chose books; the written word. The Bible is God’s written word of His spoken word. Is there still a use for libraries? Perhaps, but there is a dire need for the Bible – our world is in chaos without it.

I think my little community would survive without our library. The purists would demand the written, published books be accessible; but we would survive. The publishers would continue to publish and Kindle will keep kindling…(maybe that’s what happens to all those books – Fahrenheit 451??) Regardless of the outcome, there is one Book that stands above the rest, and it is the One that is the most controversial to the kingdoms of men: the written record of God with the creatures He loves: the Bible.

And that book is the Book that speaks of the books that were written so that a people could remember who they were, and Whose they were. Sounds like a Book worth paying attention to. Bible: Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth (unless one chooses to stay put). The text above reminds us that they forgot who they were, why they were, and Whose they were. Books don’t mean much if they aren’t read and given heed.

All of our problems globally, nationally, regionally, and familial would be solved if we stubborn, arrogant creatures were but to simply believe in, and heed that Book. Perhaps then, our library would be filled to overflowing with the written records of the One of Whom the Scripture speaks…

Father God, lead us to the Book, and give us life that we may we heed the entirety of the wisdom and love written of within. Amen

*Pink Floyd, Brain Damage, The Dark Side of the Moon, March 1973© (My thanks to Kevin O'B for the conversation this week and for the reminder of Pink Floyd!)

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