Thursday, February 25, 2016

Who Then is This


Mark 4.41 And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”- the disciples

Yesterday, I got home from a trip to the beach. I forgot how good it sounds to hear the crashing waves, to smell the sea air, and to feel the ocean breeze. Going there was a great reminder of how much I enjoy being at the ocean. There was one thing for sure: the water did exactly as it wanted no matter what I thought about it; or wanted it to do.

St. Mark accounts that one day, Jesus and His disciples went to the beach and got into a boat with the intention of going ‘to the other side’ (wherever that was). As they made their way, they encountered a storm so severe that the boat began to get swamped. (Remember, 13 guys in a boat…) Jesus’ men began to freak out at the intensity of the wind and waves and they called on Jesus to save them. Two things happened: He rebuked ferocity of the wind and waves, and the water became calm; and He questioned their faith.

The first question was: “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” It was a natural reaction given the circumstances: men, water, boat, storm. But they forgot Who was in the boat with them: Jesus, sleeping, storm. So, Jesus rebuked the storm, and things got very quiet and calm.

The next question was: “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” No matter what they wanted it to do, the water did what it wanted to do…until God told it what to do. The big question for us when we doubt God is: Why do you doubt, have you still no faith? Good question.

The last question was merely: “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? 

I think when the wind and waves of life are crashing around us, and it looks hopeless and terrifying, we need to remember Who it is that holds us in the palm of His hand. I think when we stand at the sea and experience its power and immensity, we need to remember Who it is who rebukes the wind and the waves and cares about us deeply.

We all have questions and we all have doubts, but these are merely the things that help us remember Who it is that controls our life and our living. Doubting is normal but it is also an occasion to remember Who He is and that He is in charge whether we understand it or not.

And when it is all over we will exclaim: Who is this, that even the circumstances of our lives are completely under His majesty and rule? Our arrogance demands we be excluded from such treatment; faith demands that we trust Him.

Great and loving God, I would have been terrified too; I have those moments yet today. May I learn to trust and to live honestly before You. May I sleep soundly in the midst of life’s storms knowing that there is nothing that happens without Your knowing and I can believe You know what You are doing. Build me faith Lord. Amen.

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