Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Figuring It All Out


Acts 9.31 So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied. – St. Luke

If there is one thing evident in the Book of Acts, it’s the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had ascended and the Holy Spirit had come upon them all in presence – very real, and power – awesome and mysterious. And so, under the care and guidance of the Spirit of God, the Church flourished and grew. And this was evidenced by the respect of the Lord – and comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Usually, in the circles I run in, the Holy Spirit is thought of as, or connected with, power. Typically, we think of the power of the Holy Spirit to convict, convince, and perhaps, conquer in the battle with sin, self, and Satan. Rarely, at least among those whom I fellowship, is the Spirit thought of as a Source of comfort. We like to think more about the gentleness of God or Christ, and when something dynamic is needed we turn to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. I confess, I’ve always thought that way.

It’s not a matter of three gods, it’s more the understanding of God: the Three-in-One, co-equal, co-eternal. You cannot have God’s power and presence without God’s love and comfort, and all of Who God is, is encompassed in His entire Being: Spirit, Soul, and Body: God the Father, Christ the Son, God the Spirit.

I don’t want to mistakenly label God. The Trinity is awesome, wonderful and inconceivable in the human mind. But Scripture assures us that the totality of God is manifest in three distinct, yet  perfect expressions: Father, Son, and Spirit. I don’t even attempt to comprehend it – it’s just the way it is and I accept it thus.

What caught my feeble attention today was the phrase: “…in the comfort of the Holy Spirit…” I admit and confess I’ve simply not thought of the Holy Spirit in that manner before. In my simple mind I’ve always tried to assign things to each member of the Trinity, and so, in my thinking, I’ve sort of wondered what the role of the Holy Spirit will be in eternity – I’ve never made that leap.

Today, I’ve had to step back and just accept that God is beyond my comprehension, but very much present in my life and to that, I accept the comfort of the Holy Spirit leading me and guiding me toward the things I am to say and do to further the Kingdom of God and the presence of the Church in this world; of which I may be a tiny part, but never, ever unnecessary. Comprehending God is not my job – loving Him, serving Him, and telling others about Him is…

Father, give me those today to share with, about You! I know I can’t figure it all out – but walking with You and living in Your presence is all You ask of me – amen.

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