Monday, September 7, 2015

To Be


2 Kings 25.12 But the captain of the guard left some of the poorest of the land to be vinedressers and plowmen.

What causes a person to be poor? Think about that. What causes a person to have less than others to the point that society labels them ‘poor’? And what does it mean to be poor? Does it mean to have less money, less intellect; or is poverty a matter of more or less?

Think about this: Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Mother Teresa said, “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” Is poverty a choice? Is poverty simply bad money management? Is poverty the result of covetousness gone wild?

Poverty and taking care of the poor seems to be a major theme of Scripture. It seems to be important to God that we take care of the poor among us. It seems to be important to God that we share with those who are less fortunate and help provide for them. Does that cure or enable their poverty. Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you…” Sounds like poverty isn’t going away any time soon.

In America, back in the 60’s, we decided to declare a war on Poverty. We decided that poverty could be eliminated by government regulations and by government programs. It seems we haven’t won the war. We declared war on drugs as well, and drugs haven’t gone away either. The problem with war, as I understand it, is you can’t win at war without a winning strategy. Shock and awe, shocks and awes; but there is much more to a strategy than bombing the crap out of things. Sometimes it’s as simple as giving someone something to do to make them feel useful, and to become a contributing part of society.

In the ancient days of the collapse of the Jewish nation and its subsequent exile into Babylonian captivity (circa. 605 BC) the Bible says: But the captain of the guard left some of the poorest of the land to be vinedressers and plowmen. What does it take to get a job? Sometimes, it is the captivity of your nation. Sometimes it is doing what no one else wants to do.

Jesus didn’t say enable the poor; He said to take care of them. Maybe the war on poverty would be won if we cared about those who can’t make it on their own for whatever reason. And maybe it means allowing them a little ownership and protection so that they can feel useful.

Poverty is both a matter of the heart, and a matter of circumstances. Sometimes, poverty is a choice and sometimes, it just is. Sometimes, it feels like the cure for poverty might just be a good caning. But most of the time it is ignoring the circumstances, ignoring the preferences, ignoring the poor behavior, and just being loving and kind enough to come alongside the broken, and give them a helping hand. And leaving it at that. I can’t fix you, but here’s twenty bucks.

Maybe kindness and generosity will win out and poverty one day will be no more… Maybe. In the meantime, what Jesus said is what Jesus said, and we’ll just have to deal with it. Lord, help me to do what is right and leave the work of fixing the heart up to You. Amen.

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